
Our memories are imperfect.


You can probably recall who you spoke to over dinner last weekend but have likely forgotten the details of the conversation.


Remembering too much can have its downsides—in conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, a distressing event can remain imprinted in an individual’s mind, causing continued anguish.


On the other hand, excessive memory loss is also a problem.


Alzheimer’s disease, for example, is marked by an inability to recollect.


Using mice, scientists have now demonstrated that the brain’s resident immune cells, microglia, play a critical role in helping the organ to forget.


Microglia were once seen solely as the brain’s watchdogs—activated exclusively to guzzle pathogens and dead and dying neurons.


That view has changed in recent years, as scientists have amassed evidence that these cells have wide-ranging duties: During development, they seem to help sculpt the brain by trimming away excess synapses—the connections between neurons.


And microglia appear to be major players in several neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases, including autism and Alzheimer’s.


Yan Gu, a neuroscientist at the Zhejiang University School of Medicine in China, says he and his colleagues were intrigued by the potential link between the work on microglial pruning during early development and prior research indicating that synapses are important for the storage and coding of memories.


“We wondered whether microglia can eliminate synapses in the adult brain,” he says.


“And what is the relationship between loss of synapses by microglia and forgetting?”


To address this question, Gu’s group teamed up with other researchers at Zhejiang University in a study, including neuroscientist Lang Wang. They depleted microglia from the brains of mice with drugs administered either through food or injected directly into the brain.
