You just didn’t want me running my mouth.你不想我到处乱说

1. Did you have a good time?玩得尽兴吗?

2.Yeah, I did. It was great.是的非常不错。

3.Look, I want you to know that I’m really sorry I talked to Julie. But she did promise me that she wasn’t going to say anything to her mom."


4."It’s okay. I handled Susan."

没关系. Susan那边我会处理。

handle: 处理

5. "Good."很好。

6."But we need to talk about these things that you think you remember. They’re not true."


7. "How can they not be true?"


8."Memories lie, Zach. You didn’t kill anyone. Dana is very much alive."

记忆也会说谎, Zach。你没有杀死任何人,Dana还好好地活着。

memory: 记忆 lie: 说谎 alive: 活着的

9.Are you okay? I know this is a lot to digest all at once."

你没事吧? 我知道你可能一下子接受不了。

digest: 吸收,接受

10. "I’m fine. I’m just happy you finally told me the truth. One thing though. Why are you telling me all this now?"

我很好,我只是很高兴你终于告诉我真相了。不过, 还有一件事 --为什么你现在告诉我?

11. "I couldn’t let you keep thinking that you killed someone. No one should carry that kind of burden."


burden: 负担

12."Or you just didn’t want me running my mouth."


Run one’s mouth意思是to talk excessively or foolishly(说得太多,大嘴巴)。

13."That’s not what’s it’s about."


14. "Yes, it is. I won’t tell anyone. I’ll keep your secret. Dad."


15. "Thank you."

16. "But we’re not moving."


17."That’s out of the question."


out of the question 不可能

out of question 没问题

18. "Well, I’m not leaving Julie, and if you want my support, that’s the deal."

我不想离开Julie,如果你想要我支持你, 这就是条件


19. "And if I refuse?"


20. "You won’t."
