看电影,学英语,风雨哈佛路《Homeless to Harvard》经典独白


I loved my mother so much 我非常爱我的妈妈

She was a drug addict 她吸毒

She was an alcoholic 也酗酒

She was legally blind 基本失明

She was a schizophrenic 她还患有精神分裂症

but I never forgot that she loved me 但是我决不会忘记她爱我

even if she did it 即使她忘记了

all the time 一直如此

all the time 一直如此

all the time 一直如此


It seems to me that 对我来说我们

we just fall into them.就像直接跌到了最坏的情况

and we have to do the best we can. Let's go.我们不得不尽我们所能

My mother was dying. My father was gone.我妈妈要死了 我爸爸走了

but I had to believe there were roads would rise up to meet me.但是我却要相信前面的路为我敞开

I was 15 when I went out to the world.我 15 岁开始了流浪

What's a home anyway.什么是家

a roof? a bed?一个屋顶 床

a place where when you go there they have to take you .一个必须接纳你的地方

If so, when I was 15, I became homeless.如果那样的话 15 岁我开始无家可归


People die. Things decay.人们死去 放到坑里

Everything that seemed 所有的东西都是

so solid is meaningless.那么真实 那么没有意义

All that left is gestures we make.留下的就是一些行为的碎片和空气

gestures and air that's what we remember.那就是我们记得的东西

I remember riding with my mother through the slips.我记得和我妈妈一块儿从斜跛上滑下来

The year ending. but her arms were warm around me 她的肩膀温暖的怀抱着我

when I was little and she was well.当时我还很小 她还很好

That was long ago. maybe it only happened once.那是很久以前 可能只是那么一次

Maybe she betrayed me a thousand times. it didn't matter.可能她背叛了我无数次 但没有关系

math was always a weak subject.次数不表示问题

we remember what we choose.我们记得我们的选择


I just... I just need the chance.我只是 我只是需要一次机会

I need the chance 我需要一次机会

to climb out of this place I've been born in.爬出我出生的那个环境

everyone I know just angry, tired.每个我认识的人都是愤怒 疲惫

They're trying to survive.他们只是挣扎着活下去

but I know that there's a world out there 但是我知道有一个世界

that's better.更好的世界

That's better developed. I wanna live in it.更好的生活 我希望在那里生活


situations are not condused to what you want for yourself 情况不能像你希望的一样

someone else's needs,有些人的需求

someone else's plate is going to be stronger than yours is.有些人的信念会比你的更强烈

I think people just get frustrated without harsh,我想人们在不知生活会有多困苦时

life can be 感到失败

so they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration 所以人们久久围困于自己的失败中

we calling it anger.我们称为愤怒

keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation 对事物的整体视而不见

to all those tinny things 对于所有能够成功的微小元素

that have come together to make it, what it is 以及什么是成功视而不见

because I was turned so inward by mom and dad 因为我的父母迫使我向深处里观察

I got chance to see how all the little tiny things 我有幸看到所有的微小事物是如何

come together to make the final product 最终聚集在一起 最终形成产物的

so I was never inclined to wonder why this 所以我从来不问为什么这样

or why that 为什么那样

I knew why 我知道为什么

not that I was happy about it,这样并不能让我高兴

in fact I was really sad about it, some of the time 很多时候倒让我觉的很难过

but I was very excepting 但是我总是勇于接受

I was very excepting.但我总是勇于接受事实

I just always knew that I need to get out.我知道我总想离开我的环境
