



Anne Hathaway received her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on May 9 — to the excitement of her friends.

The actress celebrated the occasion with director Dee Rees, Awkwafina and her The Hustle costar Rebel Wilson.

Hathaway and Wilson, 39, posed together for the cameras at the ceremony with Hathaway wearing a long, floral dress while Wilson wore a navy dress for the occasion.







凭借《公主日记》(The Princess Diaries),海瑟薇一鸣惊人。

又在《穿普拉达的女王》(The Devil Wears Prada)中与梅丽尔•斯特里普有精彩的对手戏。

2013年,更是凭借《悲惨世界》(Les Miserable)中芳汀一角获得第85届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女配角、第70届金球奖电影类最佳女配角等多个奖项。

她还出演过《断背山》(Brokeback Mountain)、《爱情与灵药》(Love and Other Drugs)、《蝙蝠侠•黑暗骑士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)、《星际穿越》(Interstellar)、《实习生》(The Intern)等多部影片。相关影片全球票房已经赚得64亿美元。


Anne has enjoyed an incredible acting career which began in 2000.

No doubt the peak of her career came when she won The Oscar in the Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role category for her portrayal of Fantine in Les Misérables.

She is one of the top actresses in the world - with nearly 50 credits to her name - as her films have earned $6.4 billion worldwide.





好莱坞网的Brian Moylan就写道,“人们不喜欢海瑟薇,对她厌恶至极。”



“People do not like Anne Hathaway,” says Hollywood.com’s Brian Moylan. “Their hatred is vehement.”

The flood of antipathy prompted New York magazine to wonder: “Why do women hate Anne Hathaway?”

As she made the rounds of awards shows in 2013 her speeches appeared too practised, complained naysayers.

顶级电台DJ Howard Stern则将人们厌恶她的原因归结于,海瑟薇请专人写讲稿,在领奖时太会演,总是激动得上气不接下气。


Top radio DJ Howard Stern, explaining the animosity after she won a Screen Actors Guild award, said: “Let me sum up why people hate Anne Hathaway.

"First of all she gets a speechwriter to write her speech. She’s overly dramatic at these awards shows. She’s always out of breath.

"She’s even acting when she’s winning an award.”

Insiders claim she rehearsed her Oscar acceptance speech, paradoxically in a bid to sound more spontaneous.


Online the army of Hathaway haters was burgeoning. “I love that everyone has their own personal reason for hating Anne Hathaway but in the end we can all come together to agree she’s awful,” posted one contributor.


Another tweeted: “It’s like they took all the things that people find annoying and put them in one person.”


And among the other similar sniping observations was: “Anne Hathaway reminds me of that kid in school all the other kids didn’t really like but all the teachers loved.”



“I’m not big on looking back,” says the star of the new thriller Serenity. “But I remember 10 years ago being so scared going into the whole awards season and doing what I thought I was supposed to do…”


出演《公主日记》彻底改变了海瑟薇的人生,不仅在演艺事业上风风火火,她还嫁给了制作人亚当•舒尔曼,有了儿子乔纳森,现在已经3岁了~ 海瑟薇表示成名后的她终于找到了平静,自己完全改变了。

Times have certainly changed since she first broke out in The Princess Diaries in 2001. Now married to producer Adam Shulman, 38, and a mom to toddler son Jonathan, 3, Hathaway says she’s finally come to peace with her fame, and is entirely different from who she once was.


“I just figured out how to say thank you to life by taking care of myself,” she says. “By not apologizing for taking up space, which is not something I knew how to do 10 years ago.”

She adds, “It’s been a journey. I don’t look that different, but I just feel like the inside has transformed so much.


而对于那些负面的评论,海瑟薇早就不在意了,管他们喜不喜欢呢~ 她只想说:


“Everybody’s entitled to their opinion. What I appreciate is when the negativity has some intelligence behind it. What I don’t like is lazy negativity. If you’re going to take someone down, have a point of view! Be witty, maybe pun a little!”

不管怎么说,能称得上仙女的女子,当然要有不同寻常的心态~ 给你加颗星~

综合来源:People, Daily Mail, Express