网飞《流浪地球》播放权 Netflix Chinese Sci-Fi Blockbuster

网飞买下中国科幻大片《流浪地球》流媒体播放权 Netflix Buys Rights To Stream Chinese Sci-Fi Blockbuster 'The Wandering Earth'


The Wandering Earth has rocketed to second place on China's all-time box office list. A poster for the film is seen in the Chinese city of Yichang earlier this month

STR/AFP/Getty Images

blockbuster /ˈblɒkˌbʌstə/ (blockbusters)

N-COUNT A blockbuster is a film or book that is very popular and successful, usually because it is very exciting. 大片; 畅销书 [非正式]

box office (also box-office) (box offices)

N-COUNT The box office in a theatre or concert hall is the place where the tickets are sold. 售票处

N-SING When people talk about the box office, they are referring to the degree of success of a film or play in terms of the number of people who go to watch it or the amount of money it makes. 票房

The movie The Wandering Earth has more than $600 million globally since it was released in theaters Feb. 5. If you haven't seen the sci-fi disaster epic yet, that might be because it was made in China. There, the movie's release has been a major event, and the film has already hit in the all-time Chinese box office rankings.


The movie has also made $3.8 million in limited release in North America, where it could soon get a lot more viewers: Netflix this week that it has acquired the rights to stream the film.


Netflix will make Wandering Earth available in the more than where it offers service – but not in China, where Netflix isn't available. The movie will be translated into 28 languages, but Netflix did not set a date for its online release.

网飞公司将把《流浪地球》译制成28种语言,面向全球190多个国家提供播放服务 -中国除外,因网飞未在中国开通服务。影片具体上线时间未知。

The movie is set in a distant future in which the earth is about to be devoured by the sun. Using propulsive engines, humans turn earth into a spaceship and try to launch it out of the solar system. It stars Wu Jing, an actor, director, and martial artist who has been "China's Rambo."


devour /dɪˈvaʊə/

V-T If a person or animal devours something, they eat it quickly and eagerly. 狼吞虎咽地吃

V-T If you devour a book or magazine, for example, you read it quickly and with great enthusiasm. 急切地读

propulsive engines 推进发动机

"China's Rambo."

Rambo: 之后的名称,的经典枪战影片,头扎红色束发带,所向披靡的英雄形象,孤胆英雄,被国家抛弃,却又离不开战争的宿命

The film is based on a short story by Liu Cixin, as an engineer at a power plant while writing his books.


"This is a movie created for the Chinese audience around the world, and it has been positively received since its premiere, we are very excited about it," the movie's director, Frant Gwo, said in the Netflix press release. "To my surprise, this movie also resonate outside Mainland China."


Frant Gwo

For China's film industry, the release marks a major milestone. "Filmmakers in China see science fiction as a holy grail," Raymond Zhou, an independent critic, The New York Times. "It's like the coming-of-age of the industry."


The Chinese government has been talking the movie up, too. "This film represents a big step forward for Chinese production capabilities and our ability to create global appeal," Lou Xiaoxi, Vice Chairman of Beijing Culture, Xinhua.

中国官方也参与到该片的讨论大潮中,北京文化公司副董事长娄晓曦告诉新华社说" 这部电影代表着中国在制造能力上及引领世界潮流方面前进了一大步。"

So how entertaining is The Wandering Earth? Thus far it's garnered a 67 percent from critics, to Rotten Tomatoes.

那么《流浪地球》究竟有多好看呢? 目前为止该片在烂番茄上的获得67%的新鲜度。

"It certainly proves that the Chinese film industry can hold its

own at the multiplex: It is just as awash in murky computer imagery, stupefying exposition and manipulative sentimentality as the average Hollywood tentpole," said the Times' .


multiplex (multiplexes /ˈmʌltɪˌplɛks/)

N-COUNT A multiplex is a cinema complex with several screens. 多剧场影院

awash (əˈwɔʃ)

adj 1. awash (with) (with water) (被 ...) 淹没(沒)的 2. awash with (= knee-deep in) 充斥的

murky (ˈməːkɪ)

adj [street, night] 昏暗的 [water] 混浊(濁)的 (Brit, =shady, shadowy) 不可告人的 (=hazy, unclear) 晦涩难懂的

computer imagery 计算机成像

tentpole film

A film with a very large budget and production value that is meant to provide substantial revenue to the production company. 大片,大制作

But at Slate, Inkoo Kang that the film "understands what American blockbusters are : Responding to climate change will pose infrastructural challenges on a massive order and require drastic measures on a planetary scale. Perhaps it takes a country like China, which is accustomed to a manic rate of construction and grandness of organizational possibility, to seriously consider how dramatically humanity will have to reimagine our ways of life to survive such a catastrophic force."

Slate 影评人康因库评论该片十分了解美国大片一直在回避的问题:应对全球气候变化问题需要大量基础设施以及在全球范围内的严厉措施,也许只有中国,一个已经适应了疯狂基建和具有极大组织能力的国度,才能深刻探讨在灾难面前,人性将如何显著地重构人们得生活方式。