

這裡是全椒袁家灣老街,一箇中國腹部 (內陸) 上的千年老街。





A night view of Quanjiao urban area

The similar blacksmith shop, similar old streets, wooden doors, brick houses, and even the similar shop sign “rice for sale” hang on the wall...

This is Yuanjiawan Old Street, a time-honored inland street in China.

Many of us are from such old streets that are the epitomes of Chinese towns, a bit messy, but there is still cooking smoke.

Sometimes people don‘t want to talk about their birthplace or even don’t want to think about it, but in Quanjiao, things are quite different, people love the place although it is not their hometown.

In fact, you shake hands and make peace with the past when talking with strangers in the street of another town on the afternoon of a different day.


A time-honored stone bridge



“中國十大最美鄉村”―― 黃慄樹村

Huanglishu Village, one of the top 10 beautiful villages in China


據《漢書•地理志》記載,漢高祖四年即公元前203年置全椒縣,隸屬淮南國;漢武帝元狩元年即公元前122年起,隸屬九江郡;三國時全椒為吳魏爭戰之地,近60年廢縣;西晉時復置,《晉書 • 卷十五 • 地理下》記載隸屬淮南郡;東晉、南北朝及隋朝開皇年間近300年全椒廢縣,據正史記載,縣域內先後僑置南譙州、南譙郡、山桑縣、嘉平縣、北譙郡、北譙縣、豐樂縣,後改置臨滁郡、滁水縣;隋朝大業初年即公元605年起,復置全椒縣。


Taiping Bridge in the morning



Quanjiao exists in an unusual way and has many attractions. Wu Jingzi, the founder of Chinese satiric literature, grew up here. It is also the hometown of Zhang Ji, a famous minister in the Tang Dynasty, and Master Hanshan, a well-known monk in the Ming Dynasty.

Located in the eastern Anhui Jianghuai hilly area (31° 51'- 32° 15' northern latitude, 117 ° 49'- 118 ° 25' east longitude), It features three mountains, three lakes and two rivers. No one knows when they came into being. Maybe the plants, mountains and rocks know, but they won’t tell you.

But the county has existed for over 2,200 years since the Western Han Dynasty and is known as Jiaoyi in ancient times.

According to historical records, the county was first chartered in 203 B.C., belonging to Huainan State. Since 122 B.C., it belonged to Jiujiang Prefecture thereafter. During the Three Kingdoms period, it was a battlefield between Wu and Wei and the county administration was abandoned for nearly 60 years. It was re-established during the Western Jin Dynasty, belonging to Huainan Prefecture. Unfortunately, the administration was abandoned again for nearly 300 years in the following dynasties. The county was used as a resettlement for migrants from other prefectures and counties in history. In 605, the county was re-established again.

Ever since then, the name of the county has been used up to now except a short period in the early Ming Dynasty.

Every minute you stay in this county is soft and fantastic. The mountains and lakes are like places you've always wanted but never visited.


Twilight over Taiping Pavilion in Quanjiao







Wind turbines in the hilly land




Hilly land and lush meadows around Quanjiao

I am fond of the property of the rutaceous plants, a kind of deciduous shrub or pygmy tree. It is small but persistent.

However, the word “Jiao” in the name of the county stands for mountain top and hill, which is determined by the topographic characteristics of the county.

Quanjiao is called Jiao in brief, the word appears in Jiaodi (land of Jiao), Jiaomin (Jiao people), and Jiaosu (Jiao folk custom).

During the Han Dynasty, the Xianghe River in the county was not well harnessed, and the land along the Chuhe River was not in the county but belonged to Fuling County.

When people chose the name for the county in the early Han Dynasty, they based on the topographic conditions of small hills and hilly land. According to the local annals, the county was thus named because there were too many small hills.

In ancient legends, the land of the county was always ear-marked with “Jiao”. In a geographic book compiled in the Southern Song Dynasty appears a “Jiao State”. In the Spring and Autumn period, “Jiaoyi” was used as the name of the county in the Chu State. In ancient times, people adopted the names of places as their family names. Therefore Wu Ju, a senior official of the Chu State was also called Jiao Ju, and his son, Jiao Ming.

The name of the county comes from the topographic features and originates from the ancient state and prefecture. Up to now, there are still ancient pronunciations in Quanjiao dialect.


Wu Jingzi Memorial Museum







The main entrance of Wu Jingzi's former residence



Quanjiao is the hometown of Wu Jingzi, the author of The Scholars. Wu Jingzi was the youngest son of the family and his uncle Wu Linqi adopted him in his early childhood. When he was 33, he left for Nanjing.

Wu Linqi served as a military instructor in Ganyu County, Jiangsu. He died in 1723. Wu Jingzi was smart at his young age and became aware of the officialdom when following his father in his official transfer.

After Wu Lin's death, many people coveted the heritage because Wu Jingzi was an adopted son. Therefore, there were disputes over the property among his close relatives, who even rushed into the house to seize the assets.

Although Wu Jingzi eventually inherited the legacy, he was deeply upset by the dispute and became no longer interested in an official career. Because he was tired of the hypocritical interpersonal relationship, he began to squander the legacy.

It can be said that his dissipation of the legacy is a satire on the struggle by others for the property: what important in your opinion is nothing in my mind.

In fact, he distinguished himself from the mundane life by his carnal pleasures.

Hu Shi once said that Wu Jingzi fucked off the family property in whorehouses. After his fall in life from rich to poor, he got rid of the connections with his clan and concentrated on his literary creation...


A snow view of Yiyuan Garden in Wu Jingzi's former residence





A traditional smithy in Quanjiao




Taiping Fair on the 16th day of the first lunar month





Yuanjiawan old street block surrounded by the Xianghe River

Yuanjiawan in Quanjiao urban area is an “island in the city”, through which flows the Xianghe River.This water-surrounded area has four ancient bridges: Jiyu, Yongjin, Honglan, and Tuoban.

Jiyu Bridge, the No.1 ancient bridge of Quanjiao, was a rebuilt stone bridge in 1057 and restored many times in the Ming Dynasty.

The long Jiyu Bridge spans the Xianghe River. In ancient time, successful candidates in the imperial examination at the county level would go from this bridge to Yongjin Bridge, wearing flowers, and then pay homage to their teachers and Confucius.

Yongjin Bridge, a stone arch bridge with three apertures, was built in the Ming Dynasty by Jin Guangchen, a rich local personage, and Kong Shangze, the then county mayor. The bridge has been repaired several times in history.

Next to it is Honglan Bridge built in 1096 in the Northern Song Dynasty with the fund donated by Gao Zhimi and was rebuilt in 1931. Now it remains as a key part of the major thoroughfare in the county.

After passing Jiyu Bridge, an ancient building like a gate tower comes into view. It was built in 1572 in the Ming Dynasty and named Zunjingge to promote respect to Confucianism. It had been renovated several times in history. After the latest renovation in the Qing Dynasty, it was renamed Kuiguanglou to highlight the importance people attach to education.

Kuiguanglou is the birthplace of the local literature style. It was used as a lecture room by Wang Yangming in the Ming Dynasty and a study by Wu Jingzi who wrote here the famous lines: life is changeable in prosperity and declines; never deceive the young when they are poor now...

The old street in Yuanjiawan is the place where lived several famed families of Confucian scholars, including ancestors of Wu Jingzi. Today, the street is lined up with sugar mills, tailors' shops, bamboo ware shops, blacksmiths, and tofu shops... some people might prefer to stay there for their whole life amid ancient crafts and historical articles.
