怕是要回爐重做了?三星要求iFixit刪除Galaxy Fold詳細拆機文章

最近三星即將推出的摺疊屏手機Galaxy Fold可謂一波三折。在大量媒體機出現問題後,三星對於Galaxy Fold的內部結構的保密似乎非常重視,此前多個數碼博主在微博上放出過拆解圖,但都很快刪除了。

而昨天,權威拆解網站iFixit才發佈了他們的三星Galaxy Fold詳細拆機圖解: 文章中表示,Galaxy Fold的內部結構沒有做足夠的防塵處理,鉸鏈處十分容易有異物進入,並且內屏結構十分脆弱。

今天到iFixit網站再次查看時,文章已經被刪除。官方聲明稱,他們的機器是由一個可靠的第三方合作伙伴得到的,而三星通過這個合作伙伴要求他們將這篇文章刪除。iFixit表示他們沒有義務將這篇文章刪除,但出於對合作夥伴的尊重,他們還是決定將文章刪除,並希望三星方面能直視Galaxy Fold上出現的問題。

After two days of intense public interest, iFixit has removed our teardown of Samsung’s Galaxy Fold. That analysis supported our suspicions that the device provided insufficient protection from debris damaging the screen.

We were provided our Galaxy Fold unit by a trusted partner. Samsung has requested, through that partner, that iFixit remove its teardown. We are under no obligation to remove our analysis, legal or otherwise. But out of respect for this partner, whom we consider an ally in making devices more repairable, we are choosing to withdraw our story until we can purchase a Galaxy Fold at retail.

Our team appreciated the chance to look inside this ambitious device. All new products face challenges—this one perhaps more than most. We’re grateful to have shared a glimpse of how Samsung’s engineers addressed some of those challenges, and we look forward to sharing more as soon as possible.