

近日,蘇珊·波伊爾重返《英國達人秀》舞臺,獻上了10年前她曾演唱的那首《I Dreamed A Dream》↓↓↓






Susan Boyle, 58, once again left the audience delighted as she belted out the track which made her famous – I Dreamed A Dream – at the London Palladium.58歲的蘇珊·波伊爾再一次打動觀眾,她在倫敦帕拉斯劇院高歌了一曲自己的成名作,《I Dreamed A Dream 》。belt out:大聲演唱; 大聲演奏


Susan was given a standing ovation and Simon Cowell met her on stage to comfort her. Thanking her for returning to BGT, he said: ‘Still got the magic, Susan, haven’t you?’standing ovation /əʊˈveɪʃən/:起立鼓掌

而對於這次迴歸,蘇珊表示,自己是回到了一切開始的地方,選《I Dreamed A Dream》也是為了紀念10週年。

Speaking about her return, the Scot told the Edinburgh Evening News: "I’m returning to where it all began, the Britain’s Got Talent stage."I’m performing the song that started it all, I Dreamed A Dream to celebrate ten years."





Strutting onto the stage, Susan quickly became involved in a cheeky exchange with head judge Simon Cowell.蘇珊大搖大擺走上臺後,馬上和評委西蒙·考威爾熱絡地聊起來。cheeky :嬉皮笑臉的When asked how old she was, the singer quipped with a flirty wiggle: “I’m 47, and that’s just one side of me!”被問到年齡時,蘇珊輕佻地搖擺著身子,俏皮地說:“我47歲,但這只是我的一面。”quip:講俏皮話flirty:輕浮的;調情的wiggle:搖擺After Susan claimed that she wanted to be as successful as musical theatre icon Elaine Paige, the camera panned to show the audience pulling a series of quizzical facial expressions.當蘇珊聲稱想和音樂劇天后伊蓮·佩姬一樣成功時,鏡頭掃過觀眾一張張不信的臉。quizzical :詫異的;感到好笑的




Boyle’s momentum extended beyond the end of her “Britain's Got Talent” season, in which she placed second. Her debut album “I Dreamed a Dream,” released in November 2009, set the UK's record for biggest first week sales by a debut album, eventually becoming 2009’s second best-selling album in the US.


On 13 December 2009 she appeared in her own television special "I Dreamed a Dream: the Susan Boyle Story", featuring a duet with Elaine Paige. It got ratings of 10 million viewers in the United Kingdom.

2010年10月, 蘇珊大媽還出版了自傳《我生來就是這樣的女人——我的故事》。

In October 2010 Boyle's autobiography The Women I was Born to be - My Story was published.

不僅寫了書,蘇珊大媽還在2013年出演了電影《聖誕奇蹟蠟燭》(The Christmas Candle)。

Talking about her first acting role, Boyle said, "I can't believe I'm making a film. I'm very excited to be a part of The Christmas Candle. Everyone on set is a delight to work with and it's a fantastic experience to be part of the team."對於登上大銀幕,波伊爾表示:“不敢相信我也能拍電影,我特別激動能出演《聖誕奇蹟蠟燭》。現場大家都相處融洽,能成為其中的一員是一次很棒的經歷。”


Susan took a break in 2015 and didn't release her seventh album "A Wonderful World" until October 2016.


In 2016 Susan revealed her Asperger's syndrome made it difficult for her to perform live - with doubts surrounding her ability to tour again.2016年,蘇珊公開自己患有艾斯伯格症,這種病讓她很難再進行現場表演,大家也疑慮她因此無法巡演。


Since she was a child Susan had always been told she was “brain damaged” and was given the label “Simple Susan”.


But after finding fame she went to see a Scottish specialist and told she has Asperger’s Syndrome, while tests confirmed that her IQ was actually above average.


The singer’s net worth is an estimated £30 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth, the majority of which is thought to have been accumulated through her ten-year music career.


But she told Piers Morgan she was happy living on a few hundred pounds a week and wasn’t interested in splashing her cash on luxuries. “I’m always careful with money. I have an allowance, it’s about £300-500 a week because that’s plenty for me,” she said.


Despite having enough money to buy a mansion if she wanted, Susan refused to move out of her own ex-council property in her native Blackburn, West Lothian.Instead, she bought the house next door, paying £111,000 for the semi-detached house, combining the two properties today to create her dream home.


The singer remains an active member of her local church and is often seen wandering around the streets of her home town.



2015年,陪伴她最多的姐姐Brigid ‘Birdie’ McCaw因為癌症去世,帶給了蘇珊又一次打擊。

In the years leading up to her BGT debut Susan had lost her father in 1999, followed by sister Kathleen in 2000 and then her mother, who she had cared for, in 2007.In 2015 she dealt with another painful passing – her old sister, Brigid ‘Birdie’ McCaw, who died aged 73 after a battle with cancer.



Susan and her brother Gerry reportedly had a massive row in December 2013, when other family members claimed he threatened to kill himself if she didn’t give him £50,000.The siblings spent two and a half years not speaking. But they finally buried the hatchet in 2016.bury the hatchet /'hætʃɪt/:消除隔閡(重歸於好)


Aged 53, Susan found love with an American doctor who she met when they stayed at the same hotel during a tour in 2014.2014年,53歲的蘇珊愛上了一位美國醫生。她在巡演時與對方住在同一家賓館。She later described how they enjoyed a romantic dinner together during which he was “the perfect gentleman”.她後來曾描述兩人共進浪漫晚餐,他表現得“十足紳士範”。But their relationship didn’t last because “it just wasn’t practical”.但這段戀情並不長久,她說因為“不太現實”。

今年年初蘇珊大媽逐漸回到大家的視野中,她勇敢登上《美國達人秀》冠軍賽舞臺,唱起滾石樂隊(The Rolling Stones)的金曲《Wild Horses》。


綜合來源:Mirror, The Sun, Metro, Express, Liverpoolecho, Dailymail, Telegraph