
587.Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?NowNews,although still the most popular magazine covering cultural events in Kalopolis,has recently suffered a significant drop in advertising revenue because of falling circulation.Many readers have begun buying a competing magazine that ,at 50 cents per copy,costs less than NowNews at $1.5 per copy. In order to boost circulation and thus increase advertising revenue. NowNews publisher has proposed ** it available at no charge,but this proposal has a serious drawback,since__________.

A. Those Kalopolis residents with the greatest interest in cultural events are regular readers of both magazines.

B.One reason NowNews circulation fell was that its competitor’s reporting on cultural event was superior.

C.The newsstands and stores that currently sell NowNews will no longer carry it if it is being given away for free.

D.At present,10 percent of the total number of copies of each issue of NowNews are distributed free to students on college campuses in the Kalopolis area.

E.NowNews’s competitor would begin to lose large amounts of money if it were forced to lower its cover price.原文重心:NowNews不收费--发行量增加,广告收入增加(有缺点)




