
摘要:Tilray 通过收购世界上最大的大麻食品制造商之一 FHF 控股有限公司进入了美国的大麻市场,该股在今天早盘交易中上涨近7%。Canopy 第三季度收入激增282%,该股未来将表现强劲。

The marijuana news today is mostly full of good news, with several companies getting positive assessments from analysts while Tilray Inc makes a big push into the U.S. cannabidiol market with its latest acquisition.

今天的大麻新闻大部分都是好消息,有几家公司得到了分析师的积极评价,而 Tilray 公司通过最新的收购进入了美国的大麻市场。

Since most of the news is marijuana-stock-specific today, rather than major events impacting the industry as a whole, let’s get right into today’s biggest winners.


Starting off with the most impressive gains in the marijuana news today, we have Tilray Inc.

从今天最令人印象深刻的大麻新闻开始,我们有 Tilray 公司。

TLRY stock climbed nearly seven percent in early-morning trading today and finds itself up about the same over the past five days.

TLRY 股票在今天早盘交易中上涨了近7%,在过去的五天中也发现了同样的情况。

The big win for Tilray in the marijuana news today came from its acquisition of FHF Holdings Ltd., parent company of hemp food maker Manitoba Harvest.

在今天的大麻新闻中,Tilray 获得了巨大的胜利,这是因为它收购了大麻食品制造商马尼托巴·哈维公司的母公司 FHF 控股有限公司。

The deal is valued currently at CA$419.0, but that is subject to change depending on milestones.


With the buy, Tilray will own one of the largest hemp food makers in the world.

随着收购,Tilray 将拥有世界上最大的大麻食品制造商之一。

This is significant, as Tilray has already signaled its intention to enter the U.S. CBD market in force.

这一点意义重大,因为 Tilray 已经表示有意进入美国 CBD 市场。

Cannabidiol, you’ll recall, was legalized in the U.S. for cultivation on a federal level late last year via the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018.


Several big-name marijuana companies have claimed they are now looking at ways to use the first legal entry to the country-wide cannabis market in the U.S. to expand their operations. The FHF acquisition is part of a buildup in anticipation of coming into the market.

几家知名的大麻公司声称,他们正在研究如何利用美国全国大麻市场的第一个合法进入来扩大业务。FHF 的收购是市场预期的一部分.

Analysts price the U.S. CBD market at $20.0 billion by 2022. (Source: “Tilray to buy hemp food maker Manitoba Harvest for $419M amid broader U.S. CBD push,” BNN Bloomberg, February 20, 2019.)

分析师估计,到2022年,美国 CBD 市场的价格为200亿美元.(来源:“ Tilray 将以4.19亿美元收购大麻食品生产商马尼托巴·哈维( Manitoba Harvest )。” BNN Bloomberg,2019年2月20日)。

Another interesting part of the deal—and one that marijuana bulls will appreciate—is that a large part of it was made up of cash, rather than stock. This is in an effort to prevent stock dilution, something current owners of TLRY stock will be happy to hear.


现金,而不是股票。这是为了防止股票稀释,这是目前 TLRY 股票的所有者乐于听到的。

“When we look at how we see the CBD industry growing and emerging in the coming years, we thought that [Manitoba Harvest’s] supply chain would be an important aspect of our business that we needed to build out and acquire,” said Brendan Kennedy, chief executive officer of Tilray Inc.

Tilray Inc .首席执行官布伦丹•肯尼迪( Brendan Kennedy )表示:“当我们看一看 CBD 行业在未来几年的增长和崛起时,我们认为(马尼托巴•哈维( Manitoba Harvest )的供应链将是我们业务的一个重要方面,我们需要建立和收购。”

He went on to say in the interview that there is “definitely an overlap” between its acquisition of Manitoba Harvest and its previous moves in the CBD market., and that more moves involving CBD are on the way. (Source: Ibid.)

他接着在采访中表示,收购马尼托巴•哈维( Manitoba Harvest )与之前在 CBD 市场的举措“肯定存在重叠”。而更多涉及 CBD 的举措正在进行中。(资料来源: Ibid )

Furthermore, Kennedy also said that Tilray is taking a long-term view of the industry, focusing not only on the Canadian market, but markets abroad as well.

此外,肯尼迪还表示,Tilray 对该行业持长远观点,不仅关注加拿大市场,还关注海外市场。

This is all great news for Tilray. As I’ve been saying since 2019 began, finding a meaningful way into the U.S. cannabidiol market could be one of the biggest predictors of success this year for pot stocks.

这对 Tilray 来说是个好消息。正如我自2019年开始所说,找到一种有意义的方式进入美国长期市场,可能是今年股市大涨的最大预测因素之一。

While Tilray stock hasn’t been the strongest performer in 2019 so far, this is definitely a move in the right direction.

虽然 Tilray 的股票到目前为止还没有在2019年表现最强劲,但这肯定是朝着正确的方向迈出的一步。

While TLRY stock came away as the biggest winner to start trading today, long-term, it’s still hard to compete with Canopy Growth Corp (NYSE:CGC).

虽然 TLRY 股票成为今日开始交易的最大赢家,但长期来看,它仍难以与 Canopy Growth Corp ( NYSE : CGC )竞争。

CGC stock gained 1.5% in early-morning trading today and climbed over seven percent in the past five days, as it is still enjoying a healthy boost from its Q3 financial report.

CGC 股票在今天早盘交易中上涨了1.5%,在过去五天里上涨了7%以上,因为它仍然从第三季度财务报告中得到了良好的提振。

The report was very good. Revenue ballooned by 282% in the quarter, climbing to CA$83.0 million, up from CA$21.7 million in the same quarter in the previous year. (Source: “Canopy Growth Corporation Reports Third Quarter Fiscal 2019 Financial Results: Gross Sales of $98M; Net Revenue hits record $83M,” Canopy Growth Corp, February 14, 2019.)

报告很好。该季度收入激增282%,从上年同期的2170万加元上升至8300万加元。(来源:“ Canopy Growth Corporation 报告2019年第三季度财务业绩:总销售额9800万美元;净收入达到创纪录的8300万美元,” Canopy Growth Corp,2019年2月14日)。

This massive jump in revenue was helped along by a huge increase in sales, a result of Canadian recreational marijuana legalization.


The company sold over 20,000 pounds of cannabis in the quarter, a 334% increase from Q3 2018.


Analysts are taking notice of the jump, with one of the top pot analysts on Wall Street, Vivien Azer, supporting Canopy Growth stock long-term. (Source: “Canopy Growth will be the biggest winner in Canada’s $9 billion marijuana market (CGC),” Business Insider, February 19, 2019.)

分析师们注意到了这一跳跃,华尔街顶级分析师之一 VivienAzer 长期支持 Canopy Growth 股票。(来源:“大麻增长将成为加拿大90亿美元大麻市场( CGC )的最大赢家,” Business Insider,2019年2月19日。(二)

Today, Wall Street and I are in agreement, as I do see CGC stock performing very well for years to come, with the latest quarterly report only solidifying my support for Canopy Growth Corp.

今天,华尔街和我达成了一致,因为我确实看到 CGC 股票在未来几年表现非常好,最新的季度报告只巩固了我对 Canopy Growth Corp 的支持。

Another marijuana stock on the upswing following ringing endorsements from analysts is Hexo Corp (NYSEAMERICAN:HEXO).

另一只大麻股票在分析师的大力支持下上涨,是 Hexo 公司。