

run cold

My blood ran cold. 我的血都涼了。

The sight of the dead body made his blood run cold. 他看見屍體不禁毛骨悚然。

The water ran cold when I turned the tap on. 我把水龍頭打開,水就涼了。

run dry

The well ran dry. 這口井榦枯了。

The little pond ran dry. 那座小池塘乾涸了。

The River Wey ran dry during the recent drought. 近來天氣乾旱,韋河干涸了。

run high

Feelings against him ran high反對他的情緒高漲。

Feeling over the dismissal ran high. 對解僱事件群情鼎沸。

Passions ran high as the election approached. 選舉日期臨近,人們情緒很高漲。

run loose

The lion has run loose. 獅子從籠子裡跑出來了。

run low

The petrol’s running low. 汽油快用完了。

We’re running low on petrol. 我們的汽油不多了。

Our supplies are running low. 我們的供應品不多了。

run riot

The crowd ran riot in the streets. 群眾在街上亂跑。

Football hooligans ran riot through the town. 鬧事的足球迷在城裡胡作非為。

Inflation is running riot and prices are out of control. 通貨極度膨脹,物價失去控制。

run short

I have run short of money. 我缺錢。

Go and get some more oil so we don’t run short. 去多弄些油來以免到時候用光了。

I’m late for work every day and I’m running short of excuses. 我每天遲到,現在找不到什麼借 口了。

run small

These shirts run small. 這些襯衫小了。

run strong

The tide was running strong. 潮水上漲了。

run wild

The violets are running wild in the flower bed. 紫羅蘭在花圃裡亂長。

Those boys have been allowed to run wild. 那些男孩子無人管教肆無忌憚。


My contract runs out in September. 我的合同九月份到期。

Our supplies soon ran out. 我們的供應品很快用完。

The truck’s run out of gas again. 卡車又沒有汽油了。

