

《Young Sheldon》是《The Big Bang Theory》的衍生剧,主要讲述童年时期的谢尔顿-库珀(Sheldon Cooper)跟家人一同在德克萨斯州生活的一系列故事。该剧中以生活为主的各类对话,十分适合听力口语练习者学习,各类俚语、生活用语,更加贴近生活的英语,那么我们快来看下这些对话吧。每天背一些,提高英语口语。


Chapter 1

Mom:Look at him, Breaks my heart.

Dad: Poor little guy, all alone.

Mom:I don't see why his brother can't sit with him.

Dad:Come on, Mary. When you were in high school, would you have lunch with a nine-year-old?

Mom:Yes, I would've.

Dad:Well, there's something wrong with you.

Mother:I'm gonna keep him company.

Dad:Hey,hey,hey,Mary,Mary.Think this through.Right now the kids are just ignoring Sheldon,What happens if he's sitting with his mommy?

Mom:They could mistake me for a senior.Well,I look younger than you.

Dad:Just give this time,all right?It'll work itself out.

Sheldon:My mother never understood that I actually enjoyed being alone.Solitude allowed me to think about important things.like the effect of gravitational forces.as you approach an event horizon,as opposed to less important things,like how many grapes my brother can fit in his mouth.Jean-Paul Sartre said,"Hell is other people."That's humorous because it's true.


1、there's something wrong with you 那你有点问题

2、I'm gonna keep him company 我要陪着他

3、Think this through 好好想想

4、They could mistake me for a senior 他们可能以为我是毕业班学生

5、 It'll work itself out. 船到桥头自然直
