
​一句話瑜伽,第300期Deepika Mehta:如果有人知道,請告訴我為什麼這個姿勢被稱為“Tittibhasana”,螢火蟲式。If someone knows it,please tell me why this pose is called Tittibhasana,the firefly pose.

嗯,就像昆蟲展開翅膀等等……我已經知道這件事了,但是為什麼是螢火蟲?不過我覺得它很有趣。Well,it's like an insect spreading the wings and so on...I know this story already,but why a firefly?I find it quiet interesting though.

螢火蟲是令人驚訝的動物。當你在黑暗中看到它們時,它們真的創造出令人驚歎和神奇的東西。Fireflies are amazing animals.When you see them in the dark,they really create something stunning and magical.

夜晚樹林裡那些微弱的綠光慢慢地移動著,閃爍著,總是讓我心中充滿喜悅,它們立刻勾起我童年,以及鄉下夏日時光最美的回憶。Those little lights slowly moving and blinking in the woods at night had always filled my heart with joy and they instantly remind me of the most beautiful memories of my childhood and my summers spent in the countryside.

當我還是個孩子的時候,我盯著它們看幾個小時,然後追趕那些像流星一樣的光。When I was a kid,I was looking at them for hours ,then chasing those lights like falling stars.

然後,當我終於發現光線是從哪裡來時,我手裡拿著這隻昆蟲,說到底這只是一隻小蟲子。And then, when I was finally finding where they were the light was coming from,I was ending up with this insect in my hand,that ultimately is just a little bug.

也許這就是對這個體式的詮釋:即使是一隻渺小的蟲子也能展開翅膀綻放最明亮的光。Maybe this is the teaching of this asana:even a humble bug can spread its wing and shine with the brightest light.

當一個蟲子發出如此明亮的光芒時,人們再也看不到蟲子了,只有光。當你點亮自己,你便成為了一顆星星。And when a bug shines so bright,people won 't see the bug anymore,only the light.When you shine your own light, you are always a star.