Shave 『N』 Shut 樂隊EP、合輯雙張黑膠唱片聯合首發專場


Shave ‘N’ Shut 樂隊

10.19 7”黑膠EP首發專場

想了很久總想列舉一件傳奇樂隊或者製作人合作的事例,就像《反叛者》裡告訴我們的,成功的故事總是繞不開很明確知道想要什麼,專注於自己所熱愛的事,還得有一個好運氣,遇到有著同樣熱情的人。當然用一部嘻哈風格的長廣告來類比這支Oi PUNK樂隊事蹟,對於雙方可能都是嘲諷,可無論是什麼風格,所熱愛的是什麼,這些主人公們都有著同樣的共同點,這也是一直以來不同的載體,共同載著有夢人的熱情,共同創造,WORK TOGETHER。

After thinking about it for a long time, I always wanted to list a case of legendary bands or producers collaboration. As told in The Rebels, the stories of success always show the concentration of protagonists on what they really love, and good fortune to meet people with the same enthusiasm. Of course, using a hip-hop style long ad to compare this Oi PUNK band deeds may be ridiculous for both sides, but no matter what style orlove, these protagonists all have the same in common, which is always since the different carriers, together with the enthusiasm of dreamers, create together, WORK TOGETHER.


一個月前Shave ‘N’ Shut樂隊發佈了首張黑膠實體專輯的預售,同時也發佈了這篇做張黑膠要具備的技能都能幹走私了|SHAVE'N'SHUT樂隊首張EP《瓦爾登啤酒湖》正式發佈首張黑膠製作血淚史,這裡麵包含了關於這次黑膠製作遇到的所有未知的困難,未知的幸運。說到這張黑膠可以成功製作出來,拿到大家手上,是每一位付出了熱情與勞動的參與者們的功勞,經過樂隊討論把這歸為是WORK TOGETHER的成果。當然,最終還有每一個購買這張黑膠的你們。

A month ago, Shave 'N' Shut released the first black plastic album pre-sale, and also released this (smuggling of the link) the tough time experiencing in production of first black rubber, as well as unknown luck they met. Speaking of this vinyl, it could be successfully produced and brought on table, that is the credit of every participant who has paid enthusiasm and labor. After the discussion, they think this is the result of WORK TOGETHER, and of course those who buy this vinyl.


長久以來Shave ‘N’ Shut樂隊一直深感幸運,身邊有著一大堆靠譜的朋友,擁有這些寶貴的友誼,大家一起玩音樂,一起幹些喜歡的事,付出自己的熱情,共同協作,互相信任對理想充滿熱情。“團結”在Shave ‘N’ Shut樂隊這兒不是一個空詞,這個國家的年輕人已經被洗腦洗的差不多了,但很慶幸,友誼,信任,協作,理想,還活在他們中間,這是WORK TOGETHER。

For a long time, Shave 'N' Shut has been very fortunate. There are a lot of reliable friends around, who have precious friendships, everyone is playing music, doing something they like wtih enthusiasm, working together, trusting each other. "Unity" is not an word to Shave 'N' Shut, the young people in this country have been brainwashed, but fortunately, friendship, trust, collaboration, ideals, still there among them, this is WORK TOGETHER.


說了這麼多,關於這張黑膠的來龍去脈大家也都基本清楚,是時候開個趴體小聚一下,這次Shave ‘N’ Shut樂隊7寸EP首發專場,據瞭解準備搞一個輕奢型的,弄點兒法國香檳,美女觥籌交錯什麼的,大沙發大卡座兒,cocktail之類的,歡迎你們都來。除此之外,還將邀請到Shave ‘N’ Shut樂隊最好的哥們兒樂隊、神秘嘉賓、為這張黑膠製作成功付出的所有人,也歡迎你們來參加Shave ‘N’ Shut樂隊的大型慶祝派對。願友誼地久天長,乾杯同志。

Too much has been said, about the ins and outs of this vinyl, everyone is basically clear, it is time to hold a small party, this time Shave 'N' Shut band 7-inch EP first special, as told they will make it a little luxury, let's get some French champagne, beautiful women, and big sofas, cocktails, etc, come to join us. In addition, you will be invited to Shave 'N' Shut's best buddy band, mysterious guest, everyone who made this vinyl success, and welcome you to participate in the Shave 'N' Shut band's large Celebrate the party. I hope that friendship will last forever , cheers!


對了,還有件事,去年二月Real Deal廠牌撮合的Shave ‘N’ Shut樂隊與日本東京老牌Oi PUNK樂隊Raise a Flag的10寸黑膠合輯實體發行,也將在這天一同舉行。這張黑膠由Real Deal廠牌製作,限量300張,一半在中國售賣,一半在日本售賣,這是一次東京與北京的合作,一次跨國WORK TOGETHER。

And here is still one thing, in February last year, the Real Deal label-matching Shave ‘N’ Shut band and Japan’s old Tokyo Oi PUNK band Raise a Flag’s 10-inch vinyl syndicate will be released on this day. This vinyl is made by the Real Deal label, limited to 300 pieces, half sold in China and half sold in Japan. This is a cooperation between Tokyo and Beijing, a cross-national WORK TOGETHER.

與Raise a Flag樂隊合影 攝於2017年1月 日本








Shave ‘N’ Shut樂隊 X Raise a Flag樂隊





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