
1. My mother asked me to buy some______ for dinner.

A.tomatoes B.tomatos C.tomato


2.The visitors are from_______.They're______.

A.Germany/Germans B.Germans/Germany

C.German/Germany D.Germany/Germen

答案:A。首先要分清German與Germany的不同意思:前者意為“德國人”,後者表示“德國”;另外要注意,German的複數是 Germans不是Germen,因為German不是由Ger加man構成的複合詞。

3.Our teacher gave us_______on how to learn English well.

A.some advice B.an advice C.many advices D.some advices


4.一I’d like_______oranges.

一oh,I only need________orange juice.

A.some/a few B.a few/some C.a little/few D.a little/a few

答案:B。第一空後的oranges(橘子)為可數名詞複數,不能用a little修飾,故可排除C和D;而第二空後的 orangejuice(橙汁)為不可數名詞,不能用a few修飾,故可排除A。

5.The letter from my uncle was short. There wasn't _____news.

A.many B.a few C.much D.few


6.All the_____teachers enioyed themselves on March 8th,because it was their own holiday.

A.man B.men C.woman D.women

答案:D。根據句中 March 8th,because it wastheir own holiday(3月8日,因為是她們自己的節日)可知,空格處不能填 man或men,因為3月8日為婦女節,而不是男人節;又因為woman用於名詞前作定語時,如果所修飾的名詞為複數,它本身也要變為複數。 故只能選D。

7.—Please help me move the desk in.

—But there isn't enough ____ for it.

A.place B.floor C.room D.ground

答案: C。room 在此為不可數名詞“空間”,(room 作可數名詞時為“房間”);由 isn't判斷其後應為不可數名詞,不能用可數名詞 place。

8.Where is ____ office?

A.teacher's B.teachers' C.the teachers' D.the teacher

答案: C。本題的關鍵在於“老師的辦公室”為特指,不能誤選 A、 B。同時考查名詞複數的所有格。

9.—How far is the supermarket from here?

—Not very far. It's about fifteen ____ walk.

A.minute's B.minutes C.minutes' D.minute

答案: C。表示時間、距離等的名詞所有格,可在其後加's;如果名詞的複數是以“s”結尾的,變所有 格時只加'。如:fifteen minutes' walk,意為“15 分鐘的步行路程”。

10.____ mothers didn't allow them to travel abroad.

A.Peter and Anne B.Peter's and Anne's

C.Peter's and Anne D.Peter and Anne's

答案:B。表示“各自分別所有”的東西,應在各自的名字後加's;如果表示兩人或很多人共有的東西,其所有格形式應在最後一個名字後加's。 由mothers複數可知,是各自的母親。

11.Mr White is a friend of ____ .

A.John's father B.John father's C.John's father's D.John uncle

答案: C。“White先生是約翰的爸爸的一位朋友。”應用雙重所有格。

12.Mr Smith has_______to tell us.

A.a news B.many news C.a piece of news D.some piece of news

