
走近百大冠軍第196期Lauralie(2018奧林匹亞比基尼小姐第二名):關於這項運動本身,有著人們不理解的地方。There is something about the sport itself some people don't understand.

當你要做的一切都已完成,當你每天100%地朝著那個目標努力,犧牲,花在健身房的無數個小時,飲食準備,好或壞的……When everything you had to do is done, when you gave your 100% every day towards that goal, the sacrifices, the countless hours spent at the gym, the meal prep, the good or the bad...

一旦觀眾叫你的名字,在你踏上舞臺前的最後一個深呼吸,你會從人群中得到的腎上腺素。Once they call your name, the last big breathe you take before your first step on stage, the adrenaline you get from the crowd.

從舞臺上發出的燈光照耀著你,讓你能感覺到它的熱量。the lights from the stage that hits you so hard that you can feel the heat from it....

此時此刻,你完全忘記了一切。舞臺上的時間無關多少,而是關於精彩時刻。At this moment you simply forget about it all. It's not about how much time you spend on stage.it's about quality time spent on that stage.

當你把姿勢喬得恰到好處的時候,你不是在強顏歡笑,你的笑是發至內心的。when you are bitting your poses just right, that you smile not because you are forced to but because it just goes from within.

4年前我體會過這種感覺,如今在2018年的奧林匹亞,這種感覺如出一轍。I felt that 4 years ago and still felt the exact same way at the 2018 Mr Olympia.

這就是我的動力,這就是我的原因。That is what drives me, this is my why.