
走近百大冠军第190期Lauren(WBFF Bikini 世界冠军):我可以给你写一百万句激励的话。I could write you a million motivational quotes.

我可以向你展示上千个前后对比。I could show you a thousand before &afters.

但事实是,你需要把你的赤子之心投入到工作中去,并对你的身体做出改变!But the truth is, YOU need to want it bad enough to put in the work &make those changes to your body!

人们最大的错误之一就是等待。One of the biggest mistakes people make is waiting.

等待完美的时间,完美的时刻,等待感觉到动力,等待,可能是因为你比较忙。Waiting for the perfect time, the perfect moment,waiting to feel motivated, waiting because you may be busy.

但大多数等待只是借口,所谓的完美的时刻是不存在的。but waiting is often just an excuse. There will never be the perfect moment.

把每一天当作一次行动的机会。Take each day as an opportunity to take action.

你有能力做出改变,这是你欠自己的。You have the power to make a change. You owe it to yourself。​