
七月流火 八月未央 九月你好





It's back-to-school season once again. Do you remember how you felt when heading off to school after a few weeks at home? Anxiety and fear? Joy and excitement? Or perhaps a mix?

A huge photo gallery depicting how students and parents home and abroad reacted on their first day back at school went viral on social media platforms recently, with some netizens joking about the pressures of homework and others regretting not having have cherished school life more.


First up, the moment when young kids just can’t help yawning. Maybe they were immersed in a fun and relaxing summer break, and not quite ready for a whole new school year.

Students in Ivanovo, Russia were pictured with decidedly unenthusiastic facial expressions during the first lesson of a new academic year.


Some were even more expressive – crying is a pretty clear way to say, "DON'T LEAVE."


Others were straight back into the school spirit, happily participating in classroom activities.

Or perhaps they just felt the time was right to welcome a new life with new friends.

Some school authorities tried to add a lightheartedness on the first day, as a group of clowns took to the streets and played tricks to entertain children in Gaza city.


The stress isn't just for the kids. Some parents are as emotional as their children when they wave goodbye in front of the school gate, and surely most worry whether their loved ones can fit in well and get along with other students in class.


Two or three weeks’ military parade training is considered as an indispensable process before school starts for some children in China.

漫长的告别 是青春盛宴


For those starting a new chapter of life and entering the competitive workplace, it’s worth pondering a moment, reflecting on those good old days, and appreciating the teachers and classmates who accompanied you through the formative years.





Share with us your campus stories and memories of those who impressed you, and tell us in the comment section what you would like to do if you had a chance to return to those days of youth.