零食圈“扛把子”辣条摊上事儿了 这下我们得靠什么来压压惊?



What kind of food do you prefer to snack on? In China, many people may choose a latiao. Also known as "spice sticks", latiao is made from flour, spicy oil and food additives. This tasty snack is quite cheap, as each packet of latiao is usually sold for two yuan (around 0.3 US dollars). The humble snack is incredibly popular among children and young adults, and it can be seen in every school tuck shop, convenience store and supermarket.



However, the cheap delicacy was recently hit by a scandal in central China's Hubei Province. Last Thursday, Hubei Food and Drug Administration announced that six latiao batches, all manufactured in several factories in north China's Henan Province, were below food safety standards. These products were all pulled from shelves on Wednesday.

According to the Hubei Food and Drug Administration, these snacks were judged as substandard because they used sorbic and dehydroacetic acids, two food preservatives that are not allowed in flavored flour products.



Weilong Food, whose latiao products were declared as substandard, issued a statement on its official weibo account on Tuesday and said that their products meet the requirements of food production standards in Henan Province.

The reason that caused a scandal is because of the different food safety standards employed by the different provinces. In Hubei, latiao is classified as a flavored flour product, which is based on national food production standards that prevent the use of food preservatives. But in Henan, the local standards regard latiao as a pastry, meaning that adding food preservatives during production is allowed.







Though latiao has long been nicknamed "spicy junk", it still ranks at the top of the list of Chinese people's favorite snacks. Its massive popularity has also inspired Chinese netizens to create various memes and jokes on social media.

The latiao industry has also developed rapidly in recent years. According to the statistics from finance.ifeng.com, between 2009 to 2016, sales of latiao in China soared from 17 to 51 billion yuan. This year, sales are estimated to reach over 60 billion yuan.

The snack has fans and enthusiasts overseas as well. The snacks are now sold on foreign sites like Amazon and eBay, and many famous vloggers have shared videos of them tasting latiao on YouTube.


However, it is important to note that the latiao industry has confronted a lot of issues as it has developed. Besides for food production standards, issues such as upgrading how the latiao is made and building the brand have been, and will continue to be, taken into consideration. As health consciousness rises, customers are upping their expectations for what latiao companies can provide.