
走近百大冠军111期Narmin Assria:不禁反思这些年和我所有的成就!Can't help but reflect over years and all my accomplishments!

非常骄傲,但我从不满足!我并不完美,甚至接近完美也算不上,但我知道我能做的一件事,那就是做最好的自己,不断逼自己越来越好。Very proud but I'm never satisfied! I'm not perfect or even close to perfect but I know there's one thing I can do and that's to be the best version of myself and keep pushing myself to be better and better every day!

我已历经载浮载沉,相信你们也一样,但是有一件事我不会做——放弃!我拒绝让挫折、恐惧或怀疑阻止我!I've had my ups and down as I'm sure all of you have, but one thing I didn't do I give up! I refuse to let setbacks, fear or doubt stop me!

当我们拒绝投降或放弃时,我们会被自己给惊艳到!如果我让一半的恐惧或软弱阻碍我,就不会有今天成功的女人,一半也没有。It really is amazing what we are capable of when we refuse to surrender or give up! If I let half myfears or weakness hold me back I wouldn't be half as strong as the woman I am today.

某些时刻想要放弃时,需要砥砺奋进,某些时刻全世界都在反对你时,不要崩溃!It's the moments you feel like giving up but push forward, the moments you feel like the whole world is against you but don't break down!

我学到的一件事是,没有挑战就没有改变!One thing l've learned about this journey is that if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you!

我的力量不是来自于胜利的时刻,来自于我最虚弱的时候,我拒绝放弃,我的力量便应运而生。My strength didn't come from moments of victory, it came and continue to grow in moments where I feel my weakest but refuse to give up!

拥抱改变之时,就是你真正成长和拥抱生活的时候!期待新的一年,我将拥有所有令人惊叹的时刻!Embrace change that's when you really grow and embrace life! Looking forward to the new year and all the amazing moments I'll have!