處事原則:「冷靜一點」 keep cool


1. Keep one’s shirt on 保持冷靜

首先我們來看一個片語:keep one’s shirt on

Keep your shirt on. He didn‘t mean to offend you. That’s just the way he talks.



Keep your shirt on, Bob, they'll be here in time for the wedding.

2. Cool it 冷靜一點

Cool it 是個俚語,意思是“冷靜一點”,這個表達可是非常的短小精悍哦。

Cool it. You are making me mad.


Cool off 也有同樣的意思,例如:After the fight both men need to cool off. 打完架後兩個人都需要冷靜下來。

Keep cool 也可以表示同樣的意思,只不過在這裡 cool 是用形容詞的用法。

Don't get excited about the examination; keep cool.


3. Calm down

Calm down 這個片語也可以表示“鎮靜,平靜,冷靜”。

It was difficult to calm down the football fans.


要讓某個人鎮靜下來,我們可以說“Calm yourself!”,也可以說“Please keep calm!”