



#Ancient Beauty Secrets Still Trending Today#

Who knew ancient Greeks were the original California Girl? According to fashioningthepast.com, ancient Greek women wore their hair long and preferred golden hued locks. "This was achieved by using a vinegar solution that bleached the hair in the sun, or a yellow flower dye. Soap, pomades, and wax were also used to give the hair shine."

Ancient Greeks had a thing for "beach waves" too. "To enhance the texture of the hair, Hellenistic women often curled their hair and held it in place with combs," reports fashioningthepast.com. Today you can purchase a curling wand or stick and perfect waves in a few minutes. Whether curled or worn straight hair played a role as a social communicator and emphasized class differentiation. Back then a short razor cut meant you weren't a slave to fashion, you were an actual slave. Upper class women only cut their hair in periods of mourning.

Turns out in ancient Egypt appearances were everything and hairstyles indicated a person's status, the higher the status the more elaborate the hairstyle. Ancient Egyptian women had many styles to choose from. According to historyembalmed.com, the women of early ancient Egypt kept their hair short, while females of the later New Kingdom rocked longer hair which they curled, plaited, or braided into ponytails and adorned with jewelry, gold strands, flowers, beads, and ribbons. But braids go back further than Ancient Egypt. In her book Biblical Beauty: Ancient Secrets and Modern Solutions, author Rachelle Weisberger, explores the history of hair styling originated by the Assyrians around 1500 BCE. She explains how the Talmud describes Eve, "God adorned her [Eve] before presenting her to Adam by braiding her hair."


hued 染色的

vinegar 醋

solution 溶液

bleach 漂白

dye 染料

pomade 润发油

Hellenistic 希腊风格的

wand 魔杖

mourning 悲痛

rock 摇摆

plait 编织

ponytail 马尾辫

adorn 装饰

strand 缕

bead 珠子

ribbon 色带



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