
一句话瑜伽,第261期Suchitra :关于瑜伽存在一个非常普遍的误解,我承认我以前也有过。There's a pretty common misconception about yoga that exists..one I admit I used to have as well.

很多人认为——也许甚至是期待——一旦你开始练习瑜伽,你就会神奇地变成一个冷静、无忧无虑、超脱——一劳永逸。A lot of people think - maybe even EXPECT- that once you begin to practice yoga, you magically turn into this person who is calm,carefree, and just Zenned out - ALL of the time.

想法很美好,但也是完全不可能的。作为人类,我们总是充斥着太多的思想、感觉和情绪……That would be nice,but it's also completely impossible.As humans we are constantly flooded with so many thoughts, feelings, & emotions....

我们不能改变这一点,这也不是我们瑜伽练习的目的。we can't change that,and that's not the goal of our yoga practice either.

但是,我们可以学会更多地了解到这些想法和情绪,我们可以观察并知道它们的存在,而不用作出评断。BUT, we can learn to become more aware of those thoughts &emotions,we can observe &acknowledge their presence without placing judgment them.

仅仅因为它们存在,并不意味着它们需要立即的反应或回应。Just because they exist, doesn't mean they need an immediate reaction or response.

我们永远不必为某种突如其来的感觉而愧疚。And we never have to feel guilty for feeling a certain way.

我们并不总是需要冷静和镇定——事实上体验我们所有的情感是健康的。We don't always need to be calm and collected - in fact it's healthy to experience ALL of our emotions.

但是,也许——只是也许——如果我们学会更多地了解它们,我们也可以给自己一个机会来减少受到它们的影响。But maybe - just maybe - if we learn to be more aware of them,we can give ourselves the opportunity to be less affected by them too.

当我们准备好的时候,我们可以有意识地选择我们想要回应的方式。And when we are ready, we can consciously choose the way we want to respond.