
第一組 根據單詞的意義,填入適當的字母組合完成單詞

1. h_ _lthy 2. w_ _lth _ 3. c_pt_ _n 4. p_ _n 5. n_ _m_ l 6. pr_ v_ _ b 7. _ _ful

8. r_ r_ 9. br_ _ the 10._nj_ re 11. d_ _t 12.thr_ _t 13. _ nx _ _ _s 14. t_ _th _che

第二組 詞語釋義

1. pain in a tooth t___________ 2. Pain in your stomach s_______________

3. pain in your throat s ______ th______ 4. A kind of cold f________

5. a doctor who takes care of the patients' teeth d________

6. healthy f_____ 7. Another word for candy s________

8. hurt or wound especially in a traffic accident i__________

9. another word for wonderful t______________

10. terrible a________ 11. Take air in and out of your lungs b_______

第三組 翻譯下列詞組

1. 去看牙醫____________ 11.上床睡覺 ________________

2. 進行節食 ____________ 12. 深呼吸 _________________

3. 患感冒,流感 _____________ 13. 開藥方___________________

4. 至少,起碼 ________________ 14. 透視(照X光)___________

5. 進行兩個小時的鍛鍊 ___________________ 15. 送某人去醫院 _____________

6. 與...有聯繫/關係 _______________________ 16. 不上班一週 ________________

7. 向...走去 ______________________ 17. 吃藥一天三次 ______________

8. 沒有穿夾克_______________________ 18. 醫療保健 _________________

9. 缺課 __________________ 19. 患喉嚨痛和咳嗽 ____________

10. 患發燒病 ______________ 20. 患頭痛 ___________________

21. 對...瘋狂 _________________

第四組 翻譯下列單詞 名詞轉變動詞

eye head mother taste smell hand

voice finger house figure mask mouth

nose skin palm leg belly age

present practice study shoulder face kick

第五組 掌握下列有用的句型,翻譯下列長句:

1. Do/Don't do + 一般將來時句子(多用). 2. As +句子,+主句.

3. S+V.+ adj./adv +enough + to do sth. 4. 表示頭銜或職位的名詞作表語或同位語時,前不用冠詞

5. Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure?

6. Their study found that theobromine(可可減),found in cocoa,was nearly a third more effective in stopping coughs than codeine(可待因),which was considered the best cough medicine at present. The Imperial College London researchers who published their results online said the discovery could lead to more effective cough treatment,"while coughing is not necessarily harmful it can have a major effect on the quality of life and" this discovery could be a huge step forward in treating this problem," said Professor Peter Barnes.Module Two第一組 、填入適當的字母組合完成單詞

1. dr _g 2. c _ g_ rette 3. t_ b _cc _ 4. inj_ct 5. r_d_ce 6. cr_me 7. c_nn_ction

8. _ll_g_l 9. n_ _ _b_ 10. l_ kel_ 11. _ff_ ct 12. p_ _tic_pant 13. r_c_gn_ise

第二組 翻譯短語

1. 由於...的結果 16. 支付...

2. 在20世紀九十年代 17. 採納某人的意見/建議

3. 因...而死 18. 提升...的價格

4. 與...有關 19. 吸毒

5. 過去常常做... 20. 患心臟病

6. 一位癮君子 21. 違法

7. 與...合用/分享 22. 從...偷東西

8. 在危險中 23. 可能做某事

9. 針線 24. 做一次班級調查

10. 一位毒品經銷商 25. 在公共場所吸菸

11. 對...成癮 26. 在公共交通上

12. 向...要錢 27. 禁菸

13. 處在很痛苦之中 28. 用同樣的方法

14. 闖入... 29. 數到5.

15. 心率 30. 制定一個計劃

16. 血壓 31. 列出一個清單

第三組 翻譯下列句子

1. Absolutely! 2. I couldn't agree more!

3. That's right. 4. That's a good point.

5. I'm not sure about that. 6. You can't be serious.

第四組 用下列句型造句

1. in order to , so as to 否定形式為 in order not to , so as not to 後接do的形式

2. 用so, as a result, as a result of 造句

3. 學習下列句型adj adv a/an +(adj)+單數名詞

adj + a/an +單數名詞

so v-ing +that .... such (adj) 複數名詞 + that...-ed分次 many/few+複數名詞 (adj) 不可數名詞


Module Three

第一組 翻譯下列與音樂有關的詞語

violin guitar drum saxophone piano erhu musician jazz Blues

rock pop instrument audience composer pieces of music write music

orchestra director singer symphony album ballad band lyrics tune

solo artist choir

第二組 翻譯下列詞組

1. be famous for 13.hear of

2. be different from 14. perform music/concerts

3. classical music 15. go deaf/blind/lame/bad...

4. traditional Chinese instrument 16. a period of time in the past

5. change ...into... 17. refer to

6. of all time 18. in the country(side)

7. have musical talent 19. a favourite song

8. play the harpsichord 20. split up

9. the Empress of Austria 21. download something from...

10. give concerts 22. make a film

11. be impressed with 23. afford to do .../offer to do ...

12. for the rest of one's life 24. no way

第三組 請自己複習下列語法,如有問題請問老師:


2. 寫出過去完成時的基本用法,特別是寫出此時態的特別用法

第四組 翻譯長句

1. The endless choice gives birth to anxiety in people's lives. Buying something as basic as a coffee pot is not exactly simple. Easy access to a wide range of everyday goods leads to a sense of powerlessness in many people,ending in the shopper giving up and walking away,or just buying an unsuitable item(商品) that is not really wanted.

2. As the only girl in a family of seven children,she often felt like she had "seven fathers," because her six brothers,as well as her father,tried to control her. Feeling shy and unimportant,she retreated(躲避) into books. Despite her love of reading,she did not do well in elementary school because she was too shy to participate.

Module Four

第一組 詞語釋義

1. to watch carefully o____________ 2. not special or unusual o____________

3. the way something really is r___________

4. living or full of life a____________

5. to copy i____________

6. the way something is done s__________

7. a style of painting adopted by a group of artists a_____ m_____________

8. one of the separate parts of something a____________

9. look on one's face ex______________

10. a picture of a person p_______________

11. a country scene l_______s_______

12. a public show where people can go and see paintings or photographs ex____________

第二組 翻譯下列短語

1. 對...感興趣 16. 推遲

2. 一位十九世紀偉大的中國藝術家 17. 成功做...

3. 中國傳統藝術 18. 盼望...

4. 同時 19. 放棄

5. 一位美國當代畫家 20. 許諾做某事

6. 一個重要的繪畫流派 21. 到週末為止

7. 目的是.../旨在 22. 與...混合

8. 以...著稱 23. 一支毛筆

9. 水墨丹青 24. 舉辦個人畫展

10. 展現現實 25. 在某人20多歲時

11. 對...厭煩 26. 一系列的....

12. 一直(時間) 27. 用粉色或褐色

13. be fond of/ be crazy about 28. make of it

Be into... 29. thanks for the compliment

14. 逐漸...產生興趣 30. Don't change a thing.

15. 辨別,識別,區別 31. You've got it right.

第三組 寫出後跟-ing 的動詞和短語動詞

第四組 翻譯長句

1. The major market force rests in the growing population of white-collar employees, who can afford the new service, in other words, Shanghai's car rental industry is growing so fast mainly due to the increasing number of white-collar employees.

2. After all, what lively children wouldn't settle for spending only half the day doing ordinary school work, and acting, singing or dancing their way through the other half of the day?

3. The summit was to mark the 25th anniversary(週年)of president Nixon's journey to China, which was the turning point in China-US relations.

Module Five

第一組 在下列單詞的空格處填入適當的字母或字母組合完成單詞。

1. h _ _dl _ne 2. c _l _br _ty 3. ec _n_m_ 4. _ n_v_ _ se 5. s_ _ l_ _ 6. _b _ _ _d

7. _l_ _n 8. _str_ n_ m_ _ 9. fl_ _ _t 10. b_l_ _ f 11. r_ pl_ce 12. f _ _ _d

13. p_l_t_c_ _n 14. _m_teur 15. t_l_sc_pe 16. _ _t_graph 17. w_lc_me 18. _ _b_ t

第二組 翻譯下列單詞或詞組

1. 封面 16. 在中國歷史上

2. 頭版 17. 照一張...的照片

3. 主編 18. 一個成功的人或物

4. 記者 19. 從...起飛

5. 轟動一是的人或事 20. 把...送入太空

6. out of fashion 21. 總計

7. 體育新聞 22. 一項重要的歷史性成就

8. 報刊雜誌 23. 祝願某人某事

9. aboard the Space Station 24. 聯合國秘書長

10. 在太空 25. 向前走一步

11. 祝賀短信 26. 用...來替換...

12. Congratulations on sb. 27. 得到一個驚喜

13. 北京西北300公里處 28. 在胳膊上簽字

14. 兩個半小時 29. 英國首相,中國總理

15. make an orbit of the earth 30. 目標集中...上

31. 得啦,得啦 32. absolutely true

第三組 翻譯句子

1.The author produced many novels, most of which got a good review.

2.The 2008 financial crisis spread all over the world , causing British royal life to change .

3.They founded a kind of culture, putting their beliefs in it with the help of some aliens.

4. The politician part that he played made the police feel difficult to find enough evidence to accuse him.

5.Some delighted fans gathered around him ,calling and shouting for his autographs.

第四組 主要的語法結構

1. when ,while ,as 引導的時間狀語從句;2. when 連接的並列句

3. as, now that ,since, because 引導的原因狀語從句

第五組 長句理解

1. Life is much like what happened to the two horse.

2. It is not until we depend on the spirit within us that we are able to make it easily.

3. It all comes to a choice whether we set aside the spirit within or just stand on the edge and balk.

4. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet.Module Six第一組 寫出下列單詞的反義詞

1.comedy ___________ 2. actress ___________ 3. female ______________4. fiancé_______

5. brave ____________ 6. occasional __________ 7. usual _____________ 8.disagree_______

第二組 翻譯下列單詞或短語

1. 發行,出版 21. 興奮地

2. 主演 22. 一見到它的美

3. 功夫片 23. 爬到房頂

4. 浪漫電影 24. every now and then

5. 墜入愛河 25. in the west of the country

6. 冒險電影 26. three times a day

7. 動作電影 27. once a week

8. 扮演一個角色 28. from time to time

9. 想起,想出 29. talk show

10. 使大家吃驚的是 30. a short pace of time

11. 武功大師 31. be on

12. 屬於... 32. soap opera

13. 講述關於... 33. good for you

14. 在十九世紀初 34. every two days

15. 取回。返回 35. 拍一部26分鐘的電影

16. 遠達... 36. 一部電影的情節

17. 驚呼 37. 一位電影明星

18. 吃驚的觀眾 38. 空中跳躍

19. 關心,在乎 39. 一部傑作

20. 用言辭 40. 與某人辯論或爭吵

41. 動人的一節 42. 優雅的動作

43. 在...設置背景 44. 令人驚悚的鯊魚

第三組 基本句型

1. It + be +被強調部分+that (強調人時可用who)+句子的其它部分.

2. 形容詞或副詞的原級比較

第四組 翻譯長句

1. In those days,IP rights were easily protected since it was very difficult to obtain intellectual

property without paying for it. However,a lot of IP,including songs,films,books and artwork,

can be downloaded today free of charge using the Internet

2. Yocum and Bell,who have just completed an art gallery for the city,feel that the experience

from decoration of their building,focusing on the inside rather than the outside,has influenced

their work. It has also given these architects a chance to show how they can make more out of less

3. Cutting carbon has an immediate effect as costs drop and a medium-term benefit for the brand.

4. Four people in England, back in 1953,stared at photo 51. it wasn't much --a picture showing a black X.

5. Scientists have reported recently that the world is bending up even faster than predicted only a few years ago, and that the consequences could be severe if we don't keep reducing emissions

(排放)of carbon dioxide(CO2)and other greenhouse gases that are trapping heat in our atmosphere.