英語每日背10句:I could speak English fluently

1、Hot news!Chen yihan is pregnant unexpectedly!(勁爆消息!陳意涵居然懷孕了!)

2、He is my childhood friend.(他是我發小。)

3、My grandfather used to read the morning paper.(我爺爺有看早報的習慣。)

4、Everyone is unique.(每個人都是獨一無二的。)

5、My favorite person is my grandmother.(我最愛的人是我的奶奶。)

6、No can do./ I am useless.(臣妾做不到啊。)

7、I wish I could speak English fluently.(我希望我能說一口流利的英語。)

8、The best investment is to invest in yourself.(最好的投資是投資自己。)

9、It‘s bad for you to eat too much barbecue.(吃多了燒烤對你身體不好。)

10、My dream is to have lots of money.(我的夢想是有很多很多錢)