


Good morning, madam. How may I help you?

- 您好,女士!有什麼可以幫你?

- I'm looking for lipstick.

- 我在找口紅

- Can I pick it up when I come back? My luggage is full.

- 我可以回來取嗎?我行李都滿了。

- Sure. please tell me your return flight and get it at the Pick-Up Counter with this receipt.

- 可以啊!請您告訴我回程航班,你可以憑此小票到提貨櫃臺取貨。

- May I have you passport and flight number?

- 我需要看一下您的護照和航班號

- Here it is. And my flight number is TK20.

- 給你。我的航班號是TK20

-The total is 345 dollars. How would you like to pay?

- 總共345刀。您想要如何支付?

- Let me have a look. Oh! I don't have enough money. Can I pay by Visa for the rest?

- 我看下,我現金不夠,我剩下的用visa支付可以嗎?