

ATAH's spiral China textile center references woven fabric


Los angeles- and Shanghai-based studio ATAH’s design concept for the CTC (China Textile Center) involves a spiral form, blurring the boundary between floors, therefore connecting the exterior space with the interior, creating a continuous exhibition space. In order to achieve this visual effect, a geometric web fuses onto a helical surface.

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In the center, one will shuttle through both indoor and outdoor landscaping via the access staircase without being aware of the transition due to the blurring effect of the floors. During an artistic presentation, performers seem to be walking towards the center of the stage via a slow spinning staircase.


ATAH’s project involves a mix of commercial typologies and aims to become the core of the Keqiao science city in Shaoxing. The heli-stage of the CTC is the epicenter of the commercial complex and is correspondingly located at the main project entrance, Which is the symbolic center of the entire project. Due to the background of the project, a unique structure with its own design language proposes to fuse the various commercial attractions with an artistic blast.


Structurally, the design adopts a core-tube relationship: the main structure is the steel core in the center, which houses a central air well, and an elevator; The changing geometry of the staircase from the first to the third floor is directly tangential to the structural steel core, while horizontal steel members overhang to support the spandrel; The space frame, in combination with a suspended cable at the periphery of its own surface creates a column-free space on the horizontal; The leftover spaces within are used to contain building services and equipment.

总之,结构设计采用了莫比乌斯环(一种几何图形)的颠覆性结构。为了进一步强化形态的概念,设计师使用了曲三角形low-e双层釉面玻璃幕墙(3 m×2.3 m×1.6 m)包裹着圆柱形的外墙。而中央空隙内的立面则由单一的模块单元组成。

In summary, the structural design adopts the subversive nature of a mobius strip. In order to further strengthen the concept of morphology, curved triangular low-e double glazed units make up the outer curtain wall (3 m by 2.3 m by 1.6 m in size), wrapping its cylindrical façade. The façade within the central void consists of a single modular unit.


The interior design adopts the concept of weaving, using abstract elements such as the spinning wheel. Upon entry, visitors immerse in the architectural extravaganza of rotating, diffusing, and interweaving movement, which celebrates the space. This is accentuated by its interior design, taking a cue from the textile production process, as well as the local textile culture in mind.




主创建筑师:Guang xu; Lilas dandan wang design

设计团队:Ji Zhongxia; He fan; Zhang dejun; Yang Zhenqin; Geng Lingxiang

建筑面积:2400 平方米


客户:office of CTC development

室内设计:ATAH(概念设计); 上海 Kuanchuang (设计建造)

标识系统设计:ATAH (全相位)

合作设计:Mada s.p.a.m.


