地道美語!英語 I stayed indoors 是我呆在幾個室內裡面?

good call: 好主意;說得好

helper chair: 輔助椅,就是老人家行動不便坐的那種椅子;

apply: to put or spread something such as paint, liquid, or medicine onto a surface 塗,敷

加了表示“再,再次”的前綴 re- 就表示再塗,再抹一遍

Apply the cream evenly over the skin. 將乳霜均勻地塗抹在皮膚上。----有道英語

sunblock: cream or oil that you rub into your skin, in order to completely stop the sun’s light from burning you 防曬霜;防曬油;

"Make sure you wear your sunblock." (一定要塗防曬霜)----美劇《黑道家族》;這裡要注意帶著妝容,噴了香水都是用wear, wear makeup化了妝;wear perfume噴了香水,這裡擦了防曬霜也用了wear;

indoor: used or happening inside a building 室內的,戶內的

an indoor swimming pool 室內游泳池

"You strike me as more of an indoor nerd." (我還以為你是男呢)----美劇《開心漢堡店》

"And the nation's largest indoor bike park is set to open this month." (美國最大的室內自行車公園將在下個月迎客)----AP News


I stayed indoors. 我待在屋內。 indoor sports. 室內體育項目。

That's all for today

April 2, 2018. XOXO