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Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit

President Xi Jinping will chair the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit to be held in Qingdao, Shandong province on June 9-10, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced. Leaders of SCO member states and observer states, as well as chiefs of relevant international organizations will attend the summit.


➤ 王毅表示,青岛峰会是上海合作组织(Shanghai Cooperation Organization,SCO)扩员后召开的首次峰会,也是中国今年第二场重大主场外交活动。届时,习近平主席将同上海合作组织其他7个成员国、4个观察员国领导人,以及联合国等国际组织和机构负责人一道,共商合作大计。

➤ 习近平主席将为各方来宾举行欢迎宴会,共同观看灯光焰火艺术表演,并将先后主持小范围和大范围会谈,就上海合作组织发展现状和前景(the current and future development of the SCO)、新形势下各领域合作(cooperation in all areas under the new situation),以及重大国际和地区问题(major international and regional issues)同大家深入交换意见,同其他成员国领导人共同签署并发表青岛宣言(Qingdao Declaration),批准10余份安全、经济、人文等领域合作文件(a dozen agreements on security and economic cooperation, and people-to-people exchanges)。

➤ 对于上海合作组织,你知道多少呢?来看我们给大家的科普。


国际合作平台 international cooperation platform

区域贸易 regional trade

互联互通 connectivity

产能合作 production capacity cooperation

战略伙伴关系 strategic partnership


national college entrance exam

The national college entrance exam, known in Chinese as gaokao, - a make-or-break opportunity for Chinese students - started on Thursday, with a surge in test takers this year due to the "baby boom" at the start of the millennium.


➤ 今年约有975万考生参加考试(sit for the exam),比去年增加了35万人,是8年来高考人数最多的一年(the highest number in eight years)。高考通常会考两天(generally last two days),对于我国大多数高中生来说,高考堪称最重要的时刻(the most important moment),因为他们的高考分数将在很大程度上决定他们能否上大学,上哪所大学(their scores largely decide whether they can go to college and which college they can attend),甚至可能决定他们未来的职业前景(determine their future career prospects)。

➤尽管如此,调查显示,超过半数受访00后(post-2000s generation)并不认同"高考改变命运"的说法。门户网站(portal website)新浪近日进行的调查显示,对00后来说,高考并非通向美好未来的唯一途径(the national college entrance exam is not the only route to a promising future)。他们认为,高考只是丰富人生经历的一次机会(an opportunity to enrich life experiences),不必上升到"改变命运(life-changing)"的高度。"一考定终生"行不通了,00后有更多的出路和发展机会。

➤调查数据显示,超过25%的受访00后除了参加普通高考,还尝试通过海外求学(pursue degrees overseas)、参加自主招生入学考试(attend independent college admission tests)、报考艺术专业(apply for art majors)等途径上大学。00后成长于互联网时代,他们的视野更开阔,个性更独立,超过1/4的考生已有明确的大学或专业目标(have a clear picture for which university or majors they wanted to apply for),61.8%准备自己决定高考志愿。


模拟考试 practice tests

毕业班 senior/graduating class

考试作弊 exam cheating

录取分数线 enrollment mark

高校扩招 enrollment expansion of colleges

重点大学 key universities


fuel surcharge

Chinese air carriers announced on Monday the resumption of a fuel surcharge on domestic routes starting June 5.


➤ 自5日起,国航(Air China)、东航、海航、上航、春秋航空(Spring Airlines)、深圳航空、西部航空(West Air)、奥凯航空等多家航空公司正式恢复征收国内航线的燃油附加费(fuel surcharge)。上述航空公司已在官网上发布了调整国内航线燃油附加费的通知。

➤通知显示,5日(出票日期/旅行日期)起,800公里(含)以下及800公里以上航线每人收取燃油附加费10元(charge an additional 10 yuan for each adult ticket on routes both shorter and longer than 800 km)。

➤ 一名航空公司内部人员(airline company insider)称,复征燃油附加费的主要原因是国际油价高企(high international oil prices),以及航空公司成本增加(airlines' increasing costs)。

➤ 2015年2月燃油附加费停止征收(the end of fuel surcharges)后,国家发改委和民航总局曾规定,将收取民航国内航线旅客运输燃油附加依据的航空煤油基础价格(base price of aviation kerosene for civil airlines),由当时每吨4140元提高到每吨5000元,即国内航空煤油综合采购成本超过每吨5000元时,航空公司可收取燃油附加费(when the jet fuel price surpasses 5,000 yuan per ton, airlines could levy a new surcharge)。


机场税 airport tax

国际原油价格 world crude oil prices

价格形成机制 pricing mechanism

油品升级 petrol quality upgrade


nurse sharing

With featured services like "nurse sharing", it is said to benefit medical professionals who are often underpaid, and bypass non-urgent hospital visits for patients. This is especially the case among the aging population, those with chronic diseases and people in need of care after being discharged from the hospital.

➤ 近期,不少app都推出了"医护到家"、"护士到家"等服务。山东、福建等地悄然兴起"共享护士(nurse sharing)"医疗模式。

➤ 共享护士是分享经济(sharing economy)大潮中的一个新成员,操作方式与其他共享类服务app相似,也是线上预约(make appointment online),线下服务(offer service offline)。需要护理和服务的患者在平台登记注册并上传用药处方后根据需求下单,另一边注册并通过审核的护士抢单或者由系统派单。

➤ 共享护士提供的服务包括上门打针输液(injection and intravenous fluids)、静脉采血(blood draw)、外科伤口换药(wound dressing change)、灌肠(coloclysis)、吸痰导尿(aspiration of sputum and urethral catheterization)、鼻饲(nasal feeding)护理及指导等10多项内容。

➤ 普查报告(census report)显示,中国目前有2.22亿60岁以上人口,其中很多都患有慢性病。共享护士这样的居家在线服务(home-care online services)能够满足患者和护士两方面的需求。据《齐鲁晚报》报道,截至目前,中国提供类似服务的app约有20个。

➤ 不过业内人士表示,目前护士上门的行业标准缺乏、风险规避制度尚无,对护士及患者而言都没有保障。行业准入标准和法律监管亟待跟进,以保障新医疗模式健康发展。《工人日报》报道称,医患纠纷(medical disputes between doctors and patients)、个人安全及服务提供者的资质(qualifications of providers)等潜在问题都尚待跟进。


上门服务 door-to-door service

居家护理 home-based health care

医疗纠纷 medical dispute

医保 medical insurance

医事服务费 medical service fee



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