
一句话瑜伽,第173期Joe:我想谈谈关于尊重我们的身体,倾听他们。I want to talk about honoring our bodies, listening to them.

也许是自我,或者骄傲,亦或是别的什么,但是我们常常不诚实地对待自己或他人,关于我们的缺点,我们的伤害,我们创造了这样一个观念,即身体的无能使我们变得自卑,让我们人不像人。Maybe it's ego, or pride, or something else, but far too often we aren't honest with ourselves or others about our limitations, our injuries, and we have created this idea that physical inabilities make us inferior, make us less as a human.

我有罪。我还没有准备好瑜伽动作,我还没热身。I am guilty. Of working on asana I wasn't ready for, that I wasn't warmed up for.

我想我们都是浅尝辄止。但是你的瑜伽练习并未达到巅峰和高级。I think we' ve all been there fear to continue. But your practice shouldn't be about peak postures and advanced asanas.

我90%的练习是基础,恢复和冥想。90% of my practice is fundamentals, restorative, and meditation.

经过多年折腾,身体上的调养,受伤和手术,身体的疼痛。After years of abuse, physically demanding jobs,and injuries/surgeries my body aches.

我下身关节问题很多次让我觉得我70岁了。老实说,我的身体和灵魂渴望的是黏黏的甜美、缓慢的动作、伸展和静止,这是何等的陶冶。I have lower body joint issues that a lot of times leave me feeling like I'm 70. And to be honest, what my body and my soul craves is sticky sweet,slow movements, stretches, and stillness, so that's what a nurture it with.

你的身体渴望什么?你尊重它吗?养育它?瑜珈不是关于奇幻性和灵活性,它在很大程度上是关于联系:与我们自己,与我们的呼吸,与他人,与宇宙。What does your body crave? Are you honoring it? Nurturing it? Yoga isn't about fancy poses and flexibility, it 's in large part about connections: with ourselves, with our breath, with others, with the universe.