

The fact that PUBG is in near free fall is beyond dispute. The fact that there are many contributing factors to this and not just China and its hacker infested player base is also beyond dispute.

But for more than half a year now people in the EU and NA have been asking for China to be region locked, not because it's China but because (quoting BattlEye here) 99% of the hackers in this game come from China. Well, people vote with their feet and your game is dying fast and so are your delusions of building a sustainable micro-transaction based revenue source for years to come. Because when western players have enough of this shit and walk away so do their wallets.



I've been playing for almost a year and pretty sure every single time that i got killed by a hacker that fucker's name either number or Chinese.


They make too much money off banning and "re-selling" the game to these hackers. Im assuming they think they may lose too much money to those that think its fun to play on our servers.


Can confirm. If I see QQ, WZ, or PandaTV I just assume they're cheating at this point.


A lot of ppl in South America (Brazil in this case) quit the game after the chinese wave.Well done BH.


Oceania is dying out too. This was my favourite game until 5 months ago when the hackers/chinese infested our servers.


Can confirm. Only games I can get into are solo TPP in OCE. And every second game I die from some cheeky bastard across the map with an AK auto firing me to death.


Yeah I barely find any solo games late at night.


Hackers have ruined this game for me. There is nothing more frustrating in a video game than having everything go your way for 30 minutes, adrenaline pumping as it's down to the last handful of players, then a hacker ends you and you never had a chance.


I loved PUBG. I used to play it every day without fail for hours at a time. The gunplay was exactly what I like in a game, and Erangel was a well-designed map for 100 players.I can't remember the last time I launched it.


seriously "i love you man" this is just amazing. pubg has already region locked korea and japan why ? i dont think that 99% of korea cheat. so the excuse that its hard to do is bs . they wouldnt lose out on any money the chinese will still buy multiple accounts to cheat with even after being region locked. brendan just press the button already. blue hole needs to try to salvage their reputation for the next game they release because right now they appear to be supportive of unfair play


Why because this near billion dollar company has yet to release a patch that doesnt make the game worse?


You are literally calling the creators of League of Legends, Dota, and many other game creators batshit insane for region locking their games.
