

1)see/experience/show an upward trend 呈上升趋势

2)There be a marked increase in the figure for ...的数值有显著增长

3)show a different pattern 从...中发现不同的形式

4)cluster between A and B 在A和B之间聚集(其实是在这些数值之间波动之意)

5)albeit to widely varying degrees 尽管有很大不同程度的...

6)reach the bottom at + 数值 达到最低点

7)record drops in... 记录在...是下降的

8)fall back to 回落到...

9)double the percentage/number from ...to ... 数量增长了一倍,从...增长你到...

10)the trend favoured ... 尽管这个趋势/规律倾向于/青睐于


1)see/experience/show an upward trend 呈上升趋势

保险消费(the cost of insurance) 呈上升趋势,从1999年仅2%增长到2001年的8%。

The cost of insurance saw an upward trend, growing from only 2% in 1999 to 8% in 2001.

2)There be a marked increase in the figure for ...的数值有显著增长

Mobile calls的数值有显著增长,从20亿增长到460亿分钟。

There was a marked increase in the figure for mobile calls, from 2 billion to 46 billion minutes.

3)show a different pattern 从...中发现不同的形式

从瑞典和丹麦的数据中发现了不同的趋势,香蕉的销售额分别从1.8降到1million euros, 从2降到0.9 million euros.

Sweden and Denmark showed a different pattern, with falls in banana sales from 1.8-1 and 2-0.9 million euros.

4)cluster between A and B 在A和B之间聚集(其实是在这些数值之间波动之意)


The figure for Britain clustered between 70% and 80%.

5)albeit to widely varying degrees 尽管有很大不同程度的...


The first table shows low-level coffee sales increasing in all five countries, albeit to widely varying degrees.

6)reach the bottom at + 数值 达到最低点


The number plummeted, reaching the bottom at 100 in 2000.

7)record drops in... 记录在...是下降的


By 2014, sales figure for both products had risen, except for Ireland and Belgium which recorded drops in apple sales.

8) fall back to 回落到...


The figure for the visits had fallen back to the 1980 figure at the end of the period in question.

9)double the percentage/number from ...to ... 数量增长了一倍,从...增长你到...


Over the past decade, nuclear power doubled its percentage from 5% to 10%.

10)the trend favoured ... 尽管这个趋势/规律倾向于/青睐于


Older people were generally less likely to be poor, though the trend favoured elderly couple (only 4%) rather than single elder people (6%).


11)compare to ...相比较...

在2005年,美国有最高百分比的land degradation占80%,相比其他国家大约都在56%。

The proportion of land degradation in American was the highest in 2005, at 80%, compared to around 56% in other countries.

12)It takes ... to do sth. 花多少时间做某事


Eggs are produced by a moth, and it takes around ten days to become a silkworm lava that feeds on mulberry leaf.