復工了!英國首相約翰遜愈後首次公開露面 歐洲多國“解封”仍需謹慎

復工了!英國首相約翰遜愈後首次公開露面 歐洲多國“解封”仍需謹慎



British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday spoke outside 10 Downing Street on his first day back to work following a recovery from the coronavirus. "The virus brings new sadness every day, and is the biggest challenge since WWII," he said, adding that "We are beginning to turn the tide."

The Conservative leader announced that he had tested positive for COVID-19 on March 27 and had been self-isolating since. He was taken to St Thomas's Hospital in London on April 5, suffering from COVID-19 symptoms, and spent April 6-9 in intensive care before being discharged on April 12.



Earlier in the day, the British Department of Health said that a further 813 people had died of COVID-19 as of 1600 GMT on Friday, bringing the death toll to 20,319 and making the UK the fifth nation globally to pass the grim milestone of 20,000 deaths, after the United States, Italy, Spain and France.

Britain's interior minister urged Britons to stick to the lockdown rules earlier on Saturday. But many lawmakers want restrictions to be eased to bolster the economy, which budget forecasters say could be heading into its deepest recession in more than 300 years.

復工了!英國首相約翰遜愈後首次公開露面 歐洲多國“解封”仍需謹慎


The good news is that most of the epidemics in Western Europe appear to be stable or in decline, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). With that in mind, some of these countries are looking to gradually relax restrictions, just to reduce the impact on the economy and society as much as possible.


復工了!英國首相約翰遜愈後首次公開露面 歐洲多國“解封”仍需謹慎





Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte outlined how the country would start "phase two" of lifting its lockdown and reopening the economy on Sunday.

Manufacturers, construction companies and some wholesalers will be allowed to reopen from May 4, followed by retailers two weeks later. People will be allowed to move around within, but not between, regions. Parks will be allowed to reopen and limited family visits and funerals with no more than 15 people present will be permitted.

Museums and libraries can reopen from May 18, and sports teams will also be able to resume group training. Restaurants and bars will be allowed to reopen fully from the beginning of June. Schools will remain shut until the start of the new academic year in September.

However, Conte reiterated that any restart would be done gradually, with companies expected to introduce strict health safety measures before opening their doors.


復工了!英國首相約翰遜愈後首次公開露面 歐洲多國“解封”仍需謹慎




Spain's daily death toll has dropped under 300 for the first time in weeks. Sunday's announcement of 288 was down from 378 the previous day.

The Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has also hinted at easing the overall restrictions on public movement. People could be allowed to go out for exercise from May 2 if the rate of new infections continues to go down.

For the first time since March 14, children under the age of 14 in Spain are able to leave their homes. The government said they will be allowed an hour of supervised outdoor activity per day between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., while staying within a kilometer of their home.

The premier said he expects to approve more steps towards relaxing the country's confinement at a cabinet meeting on Tuesday.


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Data on April 25 shows the number of confirmed and critical COVID-19 patients continues to decline in France. The country’s Health Ministry on Sunday reported 242 deaths in the previous 24 hours, of which 152 were registered in hospitals. This was the lowest daily toll in five weeks.

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe will present a plan to ease lockdown measures in the French parliament on Tuesday.


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On April 15, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced plans to gradually ease restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Shops smaller than 800 square meters were allowed to reopen on April 20 as long as hygiene and social distancing measures are maintained. Schools will gradually reopen from May 4, with priority given to exam students. Mass gatherings will remain banned until August 31.

Merkel also strongly recommended the use of face masks as she set out plans for a gradual reopening of its economy.


復工了!英國首相約翰遜愈後首次公開露面 歐洲多國“解封”仍需謹慎


Belgian Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès also announced the plan to relax the country's coronavirus restrictions recently.

The first batch of businesses will be allowed to reopen on May 4. Schools will open up again from May 18 with limits on student numbers in each class. Restaurants might be permitted to resume businesses starting from June 8 after further consideration.



Although the spread of the virus in Western Europe seems to be slowing down, the WHO said there are worrying upward trends in Africa, Central and South America, and Eastern Europe. And the WHO chief has warned all countries to take the risk seriously.

