
第一部分 聽力

第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節,滿分60分)




Great inventors like Thomas Edison have impacted people’s lives with their inventions. While their contributions are certainly valuable, other amazing inventions were actually created by children!

The trampoline

Trampolines are great for both fun and exercise, but they are a fairly recent invention. In the 1930s, George Nissen was inspired to make a bouncy “net” after seeing a circus performance. He thought it more entertaining for performers to continue bouncing instead of landing in a net. So, at the age of 16, he made it by stretching thick cloth in a metal frame.

The Popsicle

Cold weather led to the creation of a delicious invention — the Popsicle. Frank Epperson was just 11 years old when he accidentally created his first Popsicle. He was making himself a soda drink and left his glass outside overnight. When he found it in the morning, it had frozen solid with the stir(攪拌) stick still in the glass. And the first Popsicle was born.


Three-year-old Louis Braille experienced a serious eye injury that blinded him in both eyes. He struggled to read by moving his fingers across raised letters, but that proved very difficult. At the age of twelve, Louis learned about a communication system where messages could be read silently with fingertips. He changed it and created Braille. It’s now used around the world!


When Hannah Herbst was just 14 years old, she was named America’s Top Young Scientist for inventing a device called BEACON. After receiving a letter from her Ethiopian pen pal, Hannah was inspired to create a device that could convert the energy from ocean waves into electricity which she hopes will help people without easy access to electricity.

21. Which of the inventions greatly benefits the blind?

A. The trampoline. B. The Popsicle.

C. Braille. D. BEACON

22. Who was awarded a national title for his/her invention?

A. George Nissen. B. Frank Epperson.

C. Louis Braille. D. Hannah Herbst.

23. What do the child inventors have in common?

A. They were all awarded for their amazing inventions.

B. They all made improvements on previous inventions.

C. They were all teenagers when they made their inventions.

D. They all invented great things that influence peoples lives.

21. C. 本題為細節理解題。根據關鍵詞the blind定位到第四段,故選C.

22. D. 本題為細節理解題。根據最後一段第一句When Hannah Herbst was just 14 years old, she was named America’s Top Young Scientist for inventing a device called BEACON.故選D.

23. D. 本題為推理判斷題。根據第四段,只有Hannah Herbst 獲獎,故A排除;根據第二段 Frank Epperson was just 11years old when he accidentally created his first Popsicle. Epperson 是偶然的發明,而不是基於以前物品的發明;根據文章提到的年齡16,11,12,14,11歲和12歲不是青少年;D項根據首段第二句,while表示讓步,強調了由孩子創造的的神奇發明,故選D.


When Sarah Wishnia received an iPad from her daughter, “It was like Greek to me.” Max Rosenblum showed her how to socialize on Facebook and shop on Amazon with her new device. With Max’s help, Elena learned to give orders to Siri, Mike familiarized himself with Waze and Honey began searching for information about movies, restaurants and books on her smartphone. Max is 16, a rising junior in Davie. His students are residents of Coral Gables, fascinated by technology and eager to learn about this brave new frontier. Max began offering his tech coaching for seniors a year ago, after he helped his grandmother with her iPhone and iPad. He taught her how to text and use Facebook. He also downloaded a Scrabble app for her to play. “She loved it,” he said, not without a trace of pride.

That experience inspired him and his parents, Adam and Heather. They reached out to a connection at Coral Gables and launched a website. techmaxed.com. He also recruited (招募) other teens to teach the one-on-one lessons in Coral Gables. These youths go to the retirement communities at least once a month. Though teaching a class might appear to be more expedient, soon Max found out that group sessions simply didn't work. “People are at different levels, and it was hard to teach that way,” he said. “It’s much better to give them individual help.” Most people come more than once,” he added. “I have my regulars.”

“First he showed me how to get my email on the phone, ” Rosen, 88, said, “and then he wrote up a short step-by-step guide for me so I could remember.” Max admits that teaching older adults takes time, but he figures he’s also paving it forward.

“Maybe when I’m 87 and there’s new technology,” he said, “somebody will teach me, too.”

24. What can we infer about Sarah Wishnia when she received the iPad?

A. She had no interest in it.

B. She could not shop on Amazon.

C. She had some difficulty using it.

D. She managed to use it by herself.

25. Why did Max begin teaching seniors to use smart devices?

A. Because he was familiar with the new frontier.

B. Because he enjoyed talking with senior residents.

C. Because he wanted to apply the new technology.

D. Because he got inspired after teaching his grandma.

26. Which of the following best explains “expedient” underlined in paragraph 2?

A. Exhausting. B. Practical.

C. Profitable. D. Creative.

27. Where is this text most likely from?

A. A science book.

B. A travel guide.

C. A local newspaper.

D. A product introduction.

24. C. 本題為推理判斷題。根據題幹可定位到文章第一段“When Sarah Wishnia received an iPad from her daughter, ‘It was like Greek to me.’ Max Rosenblum showed her how to socialize on Facebook and shop on Amazon with her new device.” “It was like Greek to me.” 意思是“我全然不懂”,後文提到Sarah需要幫助來使用iPad, A, D不符合文章內容,B文中並沒有提到,故選擇C.

25. D. 本題為細節理解題。根據題幹關鍵詞 “teaching seniors to use smart devices”可以定位到文章第一段“Max began offering his tech coaching for seniors a year ago, after he helped his grandmother with her iPhone and iPad.” 後面句子也做出了詳細解釋 “That experience inspired him and his parents, Adam and Heather.”,選擇同義轉述D.

26. B. 本題為詞義猜測題。定位到原文中的句子 “Though teaching a class might appear to be more expedient, soon Max found out that group sessions simply didn't work. ‘People are at different levels, and it was hard to teach that way,’ he said. ‘It’s much better to give them individual help.’”從前後轉折關係當中判斷出這個詞的意思應當是正向的,排除A耗盡的,又從後文進一步的解釋當中瞭解到以小組為單位的教學和個人為單位的教學得出,B選項方便的,意思合適,故選B.

27. C. 本題為推理判斷題。解析:本題考察文章出處。文章為記敘類,講述事件內容,符合新聞寫作習慣,與科技書,旅遊,產品介紹主題無關,因此選C。


The Chinese Doctor Who Beat the Plague(瘟疫)

In the winter of 1910, Dr.Wu Lien-teh stepped off a train in the northern Chinese city of Harbin. He was there to solve a medical mystery, at great personal risk. Over the past few months, an unknown disease had swept along the railways of northeast China, killing 99.9% of its victims. The Qing Imperial court had sent the Cambridge-educated Dr.Wu north to stop the epidemic(流行病).

When Dr.Wu arrived in Harbin on Christmas Eve,1910, he carried little in the way of medical instruments and had only one assistant. One of Wu's first acts upon arrival was to set up special quarantine(隔離) units and to order lockdowns to stop infected persons from traveling and spreading the disease. He had teams check households for possible cases, and even managed to convince authorities to completely close the railways in the early weeks of 1911. Of particular concern was the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday, which had become a great annual migration of people traveling across the country to see their families.

Thanks to Dr. Wu's efforts, the number of plague victims began to die down, and by March 1,1911, the epidemic was fully contained.The pneumonic (肺炎的) plague outbreak of 1910-1911 lasted nearly four months, affected five provinces and six major cities, and accounted for over 60,000 deaths. It is clear that without the brave and decisive actions taken by Dr.Wu it could have been much worse. Had the epidemic gone unchecked, allowing holiday rail passengers to spread the disease to the rest of China could have meant a catastrophic loss of life and possibly a global health crisis.

In April 1911, Dr. Wu chaired an International Plague Conference in Shenyang, attended by scientists from 11 countries including the United States, Great Britain, Russia, Japan and France. They praised Dr.Wu for his handling of the 1910-1911 outbreak. For a time, Dr.Wu was the world's most famous plague fighter, a title he defended in a malaria epidemic in China in 1919 and a return of plague in 1921.

28. What was Dr. Wu’s mission in 1910?

A. To take personal risks.

B. To end an epidemic.

C. To provide medical education.

D. To investigate the number of victims.

29.Which of Dr. Wu's acts stopped the disease from spreading nationwide?

A. Setting up special quarantine units.

B. Carrying with him medical instruments.

C. Checking households for possible cases.

D. Convincing authorities to close the railways.

30.What can we infer from the third paragraph?

A. The disease worsened after March 1,1911.

B. 60,000 would have died without Dr. Wu's efforts.

C. The world was saved from a major epidemic in 1911.

D. A global health crisis followed the 1910-191l outbreak.

31.What can we know about Dr. Wu from the last paragraph?

A. He continued to fight plagues after 1911.

B. He was infected with malaria in 1919.

C. He travelled worldwide hosting conferences.

D. He claimed plagues would never happen again.

28. B. 本題為細節理解題。根據關鍵詞Dr. Wu's mission和in 1910定位到第一段第二句話,結合首段最後一句話The Qing Imperial court had sent the Cambridge-educated Dr.Wu north to stop the epidemic(流行病)派吳博士去北方的目的是阻止流行病。

29. D . 本題為細節理解題。根據第二段的表述A, C, D項在原文中均可定位,B選項根據第二段第一句可以排除。根據第二段最後一句可知Of particular concern was the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday, which had become a great annual migration of people traveling across the country to see their families. 由於春節臨近,鐵路會帶來全國範圍的人口遷移,所以D選項說服當局關閉鐵路是阻止全國擴散的措施。

30. C .本題為推理判斷題。根據第三段第一句話 “by March 1,1911, the epidemic was fully contained”,A選項錯誤;根據第三段第二句 “accounted for over 60,000 deaths.” B項錯誤;D選項在第三段提及;根據第三段後兩句話,很明顯沒有吳博士果斷的行動,情況會更糟。和如果對流行病置之不理且不封鐵路,允許疾病傳播意味著災難性的失去生命和全球健康危機。這裡兩句重點考查學生對虛擬語氣的理解。

31.A. 本題為推理判斷題。最後一段最後一句可知,Dr. Wu 是瘟疫鬥士,a title he defended in a malaria epidemic in China in 1919是瘟疫鬥士的同位語,未提及B項Dr. Wu被傳染瘧疾;根據最後一段第一句In April 1911, Dr. Wu chaired an International Plague Conference Dr. Wu主持會議,來自11國的專家與會,未提及去世界各地主持會議;D項他聲稱瘟疫不會再發生,屬於無中生有,故排除。


I sent a message to my sister at 12: 30 p. m. during my lunch to ask her about my fathers progress. He was having his second knee surgery and my expectations were the same as the previous successful surgery. My brother picked me up from school and we headed for the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, my first question was “How is he doing?” My father was connected to a breathing machine and his face was very swollen. I tried my best not to cry because I was supposed to interpret for him what was happening as the nurses did not speak Spanish. I had never seen my father this way. He looked so fragile and different from the strong man I knew. I asked him how he was doing and he said he was fine. I returned to the lobby and I was in a state where I realized that my hero, best friend, and love of my life was in a dangerous state and at this point anything could happen.

I recalled on when I was a child. “I'm going to the store” were always his words, and that was without a doubt my cue to follow him. We would walk to the car, and sometimes if I was lucky, I got away with sitting in the front seat. We would arrive at the store and he always said “Get whatever you want and something for Ana”; Ana is my sister. My dad and I were best friends, he never showed preference with his children, but I just always happened to follow him. It was okay for me to cry when I wantedsomething because I was his youngest girl, he couldn’t say no to me.

All along my father had dedicated his life to giving us the best. Growing up does not necessarily mean that one must distance from our parents because it is childish; it is a time to take action and embrace the feelings because it is the right thing to do. Life presents us signals to acknowledge and value what is the most important in life.

32. How was the authors father when she arrived at the hospital?

A. He was dangerously weak.

B. He was worried about his life.

C. He remained healthy and strong.

D. He was unconscious and couldn’t speak.

33. How did the author feel after knowing her fathers situation?

A. Sympathetic​​​B. Worried​​​C. Optimistic​​​D. Indifferent

34. What can we learn about the authors childhood?

A. She never took no for an answer.

B. She was her father’s favorite child.

C. She followed her father a lot as a young girl.

D. She got away from her family at an early age.

35. What advice does the author give at the end of the text?

A. Value your loved ones and keep them close.

B. Grow up and share your parents responsibility.

C. Care for your parents health before it's too late.

D. Distance from your family and be independent.

32. A. 本題為細節理解題。根據文章第二段可知作者父親的情況很嚴重,但是可以和作者進行溝通,所以選擇A選項。

33. B. 本題為推理判斷題。根據文章第二段最後一句話I returned to the lobby and I was in a state where I realized that my hero, best friend, and love of my life was in a dangerous state and at this point anything could happen可知答案。

34. C 本題為細節理解題。根據選項定位到文章第三段倒數第二句話 I just always happened to follow him,可知她小時候經常跟著她父親,故選C.

35. A. 本題為推理判斷題。通過最後一段的最後一句可知作者建議我們要重視和珍視我們生活中最重要的東西,故選A.

第2節 (共5小題; 每小題3分, 滿分15分)


Can’t Resist Junk food? Study Suggests You Try This Simple Trick

You’re tired and hungry. Then you catch a whiff of something delicious, probably fried and almost certainly fattening. It is fried chicken! 36 A new research says that exposing to the smell of junk food for at least two minutes can actually help you make healthier food choices.

Let’s take a closer look at this process. Have you ever noticed that whatever appetizing threat catches your nose’s attention tends to be most appealing just after you first smell it? What will happen if you’re standing in line after a couple of minutes? 37 And recent science says that this is actually the right moment to walk away.

The results of a series of experiments, including field studies at a supermarket and at a middle school cafeteria, show that extended exposure (of more than two minutes) to junk food smell(e.g., cookie smell) leads to lower purchases of unhealthy foods compared with healthy smell (e.g., strawberry smell). 38 That is why long exposure to junk food smell can be as satisfactory as actually having it in your mouth, which in turn decreases the desire for consumption of junk food.

39 When the exposure to smell of healthy food were examined, food choices were not profoundly influenced. The reason for this is that healthy food are not connected with reward in our brain and therefore have little influence on what we desire.

So next time you’re feeling you don’t have the will power to resist that French fries, it might be as simple as sitting there and smelling all that sweetness for just a minute or two. 40

A. But wait a minute before you order.

B. It’s a response that has been researched.

C. Get the satisfaction with none of the calories.

D. It isn’t quite as irresistible as it was just moments ago.

E. However, it’s not the same case with smell of healthy food.

F. It’s the same as actually eating it because your desire to eat it is satisfied.

G. The brain doesn’t necessarily distinguish between a pleasurable smell or taste.


36. A 段中選項,根據下一句“A new research says that exposing to the smell of junk food for at least two minutes can actually help you make healthier food choices.”句意“暴露在垃圾食品中至少兩分鐘會幫助你選擇健康食品”可知,本句與等待時間有關,表達“但是在預定之前先等一下”。故選A.

37. D 段中選項,根據前文連發的兩個問句可知,垃圾食品在第一次被聞到時非常吸引人,那麼在排隊等了幾分鐘之後會發生什麼呢?根據下一句可知,這恰恰是要離開的時刻,可知,本句在表達“它已經不像幾分鐘之前那麼不可抗拒了。”故選D.

38. G 段中選項,根據本段開頭提示,可知一系列的實驗結果表明暴露在垃圾食品的氣味中多於兩分鐘後會導致垃圾食品購買量的下降,在進行客觀結果描述,所以排除易錯選項F,同時,下一句在解釋聞到氣味就如同嘴巴吃到了一樣滿足。可知空處所在句要表達大腦對味覺和嗅覺區分不明顯。故該空應該選G.

39. E 段首選項,從下一句 “When the exposure to smell of healthy food were examined, food choices were not profoundly influenced. ”可以得知空格內容與健康食物的氣味相關,並且表達轉折的語義。故選E.

40. F 段末選項,根據前句“ it might be as simple as sitting there and smelling all that sweetness for just a minute or two.”句意“最簡單的方法是坐在那裡聞上一兩分鐘香甜的味道”與選項中“It’s the same as actually eating it because your desire to eat it is satisfied.”要表達的“聞到味道與吃到它是一樣可以滿足願望的。”意義一致。故選F.

第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,滿分55分)

第一節 完形填空(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)

​閱讀下面短文,從短文後各題所給的四個選項(A, B, C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,答案寫在答題卡上。

When people find out my son Sam is a competitive mathlete, they usually ask if my husband and I are "math persons". The answer is definitely not.

Ninth grade was _41_ for Sam. To prepare for a competition, he took _42_ practice tests, which were sometimes as _43_ as three hours. In the end, he didn’t do as well as he'd hoped and was _44_ by a math camp he’d applied to.

He wandered into my office one day last spring, murmuring.

”I just feel like the whole year’s been a _45_ .”

I get it. How many days—weeks, months— have I “wasted” writing the _46_scene over and over again? Writing a novel sometimes feels like two steps forward, one step back. _47_ whenever I feel like that, I try to _48_ myself that no matter what happens with my book, I’ve _49_ the time I've spent working on it. The delight I find in writing is _50_ for me.

“Nothing’s ever wasted. You may not have gotten the _51_ you wanted, but as you try to solve the _ 52_ problems, you are making progress with each effort you make.”

He shrugged(聳肩). “I feel like everyone else did better than me.”

Sam was talking about the _53_ boards, where math kids come together to share resources and, more often than not, _54_their wins.

“I know it feels that way, but it isn’t true. You know people _55_ their successes far more than their _56_," I said as much to myself as to Sam.

Just like Sam, I can’t control the _57_, only my input. To devote time to something with no _58_of its success is risky and _59_. But, then again, so is everything.

And you don’t need to be a(n) _60_ person to know that.

41. A. simple ​B. tough ​​C. peaceful ​D. exciting

42. A. few ​​​B. casual ​C. multiple ​D. easy

43. A. far​ ​B. long​​​​C. deep ​D. straight

44. A. accepted B. praised ​C. replied ​​D. rejected

45. A. waste​ ​B. vacation ​C. pleasure​ ​D. trouble

46. A. same​ ​B. vivid​ ​C. brief ​​D. literary

47. A. So​ ​B. And ​​​C. But ​​D. Because

48. A. help ​​B. convince ​C. improve ​​D. answer

49. A. offered ​B. killed ​ ​C. saved ​​D. enjoyed

50. A. limited ​B. popular ​​C. obvious ​​D. enough

51. A. exam ​B. advice ​C. course ​D. result

52. A. challenging ​B. urgent ​C. historical ​​D. imaginary

53. A. message ​B. chess​ ​C. drawing ​D. safety

54. A. escape from ​​B. think about​​​C. show off ​​D. compete in

55. A. ban​​ ​B. post​​ ​C. doubt​ ​​D. receive

56. A. methods ​B. intentions ​C. struggles ​D. reasons

57. A. solution ​B. outcome ​C. custom ​D. fortune

58. A. courage ​B. accident ​C. chance ​​D. guarantee

59. A. terrifying B. instructive ​C. personal ​D. ridiculous

60. A. art ​​B. adult ​ ​C. math ​​​D. business


41. B 根據後文“In the end, he didn’t do as well as he’d hoped”可知,Sam在這一年級過得比較困難,所以選B;

42. C 根據前文“為了準備比賽”可知Sam參加了很多練習測試,故選C;

43. B 後文“three hours”指時間長度,故選B;

44. D 根據前文“he didn’t do as well as he’d hoped”與表順承關係的“and”可知,Sam 被數學露營活動拒絕了,故選D;

45. A 原詞復現,根據下段“wasted”可知此處媽媽與Sam有過相同感受,故選A;

46. A 通過後文“over and over again”可知為反覆在做同一件事情,故選A;

47. C 根據後文“the delight I find in writing”可知與前文“wasted”所表含義為轉折關係,故選C;

48. B 結合前後問的轉折關係,前文中作者感覺“wasted”,那麼後文中作者應該說服自己所花費的時間是值得的,故選B;

49. D 根據後文“the delight I find in writing”可知作者是享受寫作時光的,故選D;

50. D 對比前文“wasted”可知,作者在寫作中發現的快樂對於她來說足夠了,故選D;

51. D 根據前文的“gotten”與後文的“wanted”給出的語境,以及通過後文表示過程的“as”,可知這裡應該是沒有得到想要的結果,故選D;

52. A 根據後文“making progress”可知是解決具有挑戰性的問題,故選A;

53. A 通過後文的定語從句“where math kids come together to share resources”,可知是指分享資源的信息板,故選A;

54.C 根據句意“孩子們在這裡分享資源和炫耀他們的勝利。”“show off”炫耀,故選C;

55. B 根據上文可知,人們傾向於炫耀自己的成功,對應到這裡是人們會“post曬”自己的成功,故選B;

56. C 根據上文的“success”可知,此處為反義詞“struggle掙扎”,比起成功過程中的掙扎,人們傾向於曬自己的成功,故選C;

57. B 根據後文“input”可以知道,此處為我不能控制“outcome輸出”,但只能控制“輸入”,故選B;

58. D “with no___ of its success”修飾something ,根據句意“把時間投入到沒有成功保證的事情上是冒險的”,故選D;

59. A 根據空前的“risky and”可知要選一個和risky並列的詞,“terrifying”令人害怕的,故選A;

60. C 根據第一段“math persons”可知,此處為原詞復現,故選C。



第二節 (共10小題,每小題1.5分,滿分15分)


As to garlic and raw onion, you might want to avoid their after-effects, but many of these 61 (positive) unfriendly foods are good for you. In fact, although the smell on your breath may be bad, the effects are immediate and can last for hours. The reason is that garlic and onions contain something that is very smelly and can contribute 62 bad breath. As the foods are digested, the special oils they contain 63 (absorb) into your bloodstream and you breathe 64 (they) out until the foods are removed from your body. Despite all this, you should eat them. Those who add garlic and onions to food need 65 (little) salt than those who do not. So it's 66 healthier alternative, says Rebecca Valle, a dietitian at Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. "Garlic and onions can also protect against 67 (disease) and promote good health," she says. So how do you enjoy them without 68 (offend) everyone around you? Eating less of the garlic and onion and drinking plenty of water works. Drinking milk also helps reduce the things 69 cause garlic breath. Chewing gum, sucking on a mint or sipping peppermint tea will also help. But remember 70 (see) your doctor if your bad breath continues.


61.positively. 本空考察副詞,修飾形容詞unfriendly,該空填positively,表示“明確地,毋庸置疑地”;

62.to. 本空考察固定搭配,contribute to 表示“促成,帶來”,該空填to;

63.are absorbed. 本空考察謂語動詞,動詞absorb和邏輯主語the special oils為被動關係,該空填are absorbed;

64.them. 本空為代詞賓格形式,該空填them。 breathe out表示“呼氣”,代詞居中為賓格形式;

65.less. 本空為形容詞比較級,less than,該空填less;

66.a. 本空考察不定冠詞,alternative作名詞表示“二者擇一,可供替換的選擇”,且healthier 開頭為輔音音素,該空填a;

67.diseases. 本空考察名詞單複數,該空填diseases;

68.offending. 本空考察介詞+v-ing,該空填offending;

69.that/which. 本空考察定語從句,該空填that;

70.to see. 本空考察動詞詞組,remember to do表示“記得去做某事”,該空填to see.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節,滿分35分)

第1節 短文改錯(共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)







After graduating from high school, I'm going to be computer programmer, which I think is on great demand in the modernworld. Moreover, my parents would like me to study medicine. They believe here are two reasons for being a doctor. One is that doctors usually deal with patients in person, which mean they are able to help people in need direct. The other is that doctors are so important that it is almost impossible for it to lose jobs. Up to now I have chatted with my parents for three time. To my disappointment, I was failed to persuade them. Now I am confusing about how to solve the problem.



解析:考察冠詞的使用,後為computer programmer,是可數名詞,前面需要加冠詞。


解析:考察固定搭配,in demand表示“受歡迎,非常需要”,on demand表示“見票即付”,含義混淆。




解析:考察there be句型,表示“有”。





第四行:7)it 改為them

解析:考察代詞,固定句式:It is impossible for sb. to do sth.,此處代詞指代doctors,應用them.


解析:考察名詞單複數,time表示次數時是可數名詞,三次three times.

第五行:9)was 去掉

解析:考察動詞固定搭配,fail to do sth.表示“失敗,未做成某事”。



第二節 書面表達(滿分25分)










Dear Anna,

I am more than excited to hear that you are to participate in a Chinese writing competition. Knowing that Chinese characters have always posed a great challenge to students learning this ancient language, I am thus writing to offer you some useful tips based on my own experience.

What you need to do first is to prepare yourself for the contest with a positive attitude and an open mind. As is known to all, the active mindset is usually the key to success in any competitive situation. Furthermore, it is also highly recommended that you start improving your Chinese writing now by paying more attention to the way of holding a pen or the style of writing. For instance, it is essential for beginners to imitate the characters written by famous ancient artists like Yan Zhenqing.

May you rank high in the competition! I sincerely hope my suggestions are useful and am looking forward to your wonderful news.


Li Hua


