
Nearly 400 employees at a Missouri pork plant tested positive for COVID-19. All of them were asymptomatic.


[email protected] (Haven Orecchio-Egresitz)[email protected](還Orecchio-Egresitz)

May 4, 2020, 11:23 PM GMT+8

2020年5月4日晚上11:23 GMT+8


Not the meat processing plant in question. 不是問題中的肉類加工廠。

David Silverman / Getty Images


  • All employees at Triumph Foods in Buchanan County, Missouri, were offered COVID-19 testing.
  • 密蘇里州布坎南縣黛安芬食品公司的所有員工都接受了COVID-19測試。
  • As of Sunday, 374 employees tested positive for the coronavirus, but none of them were showing symptoms.
  • 截至週日,374名員工的冠狀病毒檢測呈陽性,但沒有人出現症狀。
  • Employees who tested positive were asked to isolate at home and will be paid, the company's CEO said.
  • 該公司首席執行長說,檢測呈陽性的員工被要求在家隔離,並將得到報酬。

Triumph Foods, a pork processing plant in St. Joseph, Missouri, held company-wide coronavirus testing last week.

位於密蘇里州聖約瑟夫的豬肉加工廠Triumph Foods上週在全公司範圍內進行了冠狀病毒檢測。

By Sunday, 374 employees had received positive results, state heath officials told Business Insider. But none of them showed symptoms of the disease.


Triumph Foods employs more than 2,800 workers at the plant in St. Joseph, meaning about 13% tested positive for the virus.


"Those with positive tests have been asked to self-isolate at home. They will be paid according to COVID wage continuation policy," CEO Mark Campbell said in a video to employees on Sunday.


Employees who are self-isolating will also be sent care packages of hand sanitizer and masks, Campbell said.


"We continue to work this weekend contacting these asymptomatic patients and have initiated the process of contact tracing with those determined to be close contacts of our positive cases," State Health Director Dr. Randall Williams said in the written statement released Sunday.

該州衛生局長蘭德爾·威廉姆斯(Randall Williams)博士在週日發表的書面聲明中說:“本週末,我們將繼續與這些無症狀的患者接觸,並已開始與那些被確定與我們的陽性病例有密切接觸的患者進行接觸者追蹤。”

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, has estimated that "somewhere between 25% and 50%" of people who have COVID-19 don't show symptoms. But these asymptomatic or presymptomatic carriers can still spread the illness to other people.

美國國家過敏和傳染病研究所(National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease)所長安東尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)博士估計,有“25%到50%”的covid19患者沒有症狀。但是這些無症狀或有症狀前的攜帶者仍然可以將疾病傳播給其他人。

Despite outbreaks and worker deaths, Trump has ordered meat processing plants to stay open during the pandemic



President Donald Trump speaks during briefing on coronavirus in the Brady press briefing room at the White House, Saturday, March 14, 2020, in Washington.2020年3月14日,星期六,在華盛頓白宮布雷迪新聞發佈廳,唐納德·特朗普總統在關於冠狀病毒的簡報會上發言。


Alex Brandon/AP Photo


Meat processing plants around the US have been hotspots for the novel coronavirus.


Despite that, President Donald Trump last week took executive action to order meat processing plants to stay open amid concerns over the impact on the nation's food supply.

儘管如此,美國總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)上週採取行政行動,下令肉類加工廠繼續營業,原因是人們擔心這會對美國的食品供應造成影響。

Workers' unions have spoke out against the executive order, raising concerns that it includes no language to ensure that the safety of workers will be protected while the plants remain open.


The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) International Union, which represents more than 250,000 meatpacking and food processing employees across the country, announced last week that at least 20 workers in the industry have died.


Additionally, at least 5,000 meatpacking workers and 1,500 food processing workers have tested positive, been hospitalized, or had to miss work to self-quarantine, the union said.


"Meatpacking and poultry workers have been working tirelessly through this health crisis so that millions of Americans continue to have access to the food they need. President Trump's executive order now mandates that they continue to do so, without any language that ensures their safety," UFCW International President Marc Perrone said in a statement. "Let me be clear, the best way to protect America's food supply, to keep these plants open, is to protect America's meatpacking workers."


While Trump's order is in place, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration has said it will not enforcecoronavirus-related safety guidelines for the plants so long as they demonstrate "good faith" efforts to keep workers safe. The agency has not mandated that plants track coronavirus cases among workers and does not require on-site inspections for worker complaints related to the virus.

儘管特朗普的命令已經到位,但美國聯邦職業安全與健康管理局(federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration)表示,只要這些工廠表現出“善意”努力保護工人的安全,就不會強制執行與冠狀病毒相關的安全準則。該機構沒有強制要求工廠追蹤工人中的冠狀病毒病例,也沒有要求對與病毒相關的工人投訴進行現場檢查。

