
As doctors see coronavirus-kidney link, worry grows over dialysis machines


The novel coronavirus exposes another potential shortage in U.S. healthcare.


Lucien Bruggeman


22 April 2020, 16:00


11 min read


Jamal Uddin’s coronavirus story began like many others: His health deteriorated, he was hospitalized, he tested positive for COVID-19, and he was treated. Then his health began improving. He was going to be taken off the ventilator -- until his potassium levels spiked.

賈馬爾•烏丁(Jamal Uddin)感染冠狀病毒的經歷和其他許多人一樣:他的健康狀況惡化,住院治療,covid19檢測呈陽性,並接受了治療。然後他的健康狀況開始好轉。他本來要停止呼吸機——直到他體內的鉀含量飆升。

A sudden increase in potassium levels, a result of kidney damage, can be treated with a dialysis machine. But at the hospital in hard-hit New York City where Uddin was being treated, his family says every dialysis machine was already in use – a sign, experts say, of the growing connection between COVID-19 and kidney problems.


Doctors attempted creative workarounds to treat Uddin – including peritoneal dialysis, which removes fluid through a tube coming from the abdomen – but to no avail. He died within days.



Jamal Uddin, 68, passed away last week in a New York City hospital after testing positive for COVID-19, according to his wife, Jesmin. 68歲的賈邁勒烏丁(Jamal Uddin)的妻子傑斯明(Jesmin)說,烏丁上週在紐約市一家醫院去世,之前他的COVID-19檢測呈陽性。

Jamal Uddin, 68, passed away last week in a New York City hospital after testing positive for COVID-19, according to his wife, Jesmin.68歲的賈邁勒烏丁(Jamal Uddin)的妻子傑斯明(Jesmin)說,烏丁上週在紐約市一家醫院去世,之前他的COVID-19檢測呈陽性。

Courtesy Shehran Uddin 禮貌Shehran Uddin

“They said that other patients are doing a lot worse than him,” said Uddin’s wife, Jesmin, who recounted his story to ABC News. “Everyone is advertising there are not enough ventilators, that's what I was afraid of -- whether he was going to have a ventilator or not. People are getting better from the ventilator. The lung is getting clearer, but they're not getting dialysis. And that's why people are dying."

“他們說其他病人的情況比他糟糕得多,”烏丁的妻子傑斯明(Jesmin)說,她向美國廣播公司新聞頻道(ABC News)講述了他的故事。“每個人都在宣傳說沒有足夠的通風機,這就是我所擔心的——不管他是否會有通風機。呼吸機使人們的病情好轉了。肺越來越清晰了,但他們沒有做透析。這就是人們死亡的原因。”

Tune into ABC at 1 p.m. ET and ABC News Live at 4 p.m. ET every weekday for special coverage of the novel coronavirus with the full ABC News team, including the latest news, context and analysis. 在美國東部時間下午1點和東部時間下午4點收聽美國廣播公司新聞頻道的新冠狀病毒特別報道,包括最新的新聞、背景和分析。

The hospital was not able to return ABC News' request for comment because of patient privacy rules, and the Uddin family did not authorize the hospital to speak about his ordeal.


MORE: More than 300 US hospitals warn of supply shortages in coronavirus fight, watchdog says 更多:超過300家美國醫院發出警告,在與冠狀病毒的戰鬥中,供應短缺,看門狗說

A possible dearth of various life-saving equipment has for weeks nipped at the heels of the novel coronavirus’ spread. But as the disease has begun to appear linked to kidney issues, a new round of ethical questions are being raised about who gets treatment and who doesn’t – and Uddin’s case illustrates fears that otherwise potentially preventable deaths might occur as a result of dialysis equipment shortages.


There's also the question of how to balance the use of dialysis machines for coronavirus patients with the needs of the more than 500,000 Americans with pre-existing kidney disease who already rely on them.


Guidelines developed at the state level are meant to provide a framework for healthcare providers to prioritize care for certain patients in the event of a crisis that could lead to a scarcity of resources. Critics say some states use broad rules and algorithms -- rather than the on-the-ground opinion of doctors -- that could put patients with chronic kidney disease at risk of not getting the care they need.



A doctor operates a dialysis machine in an intensive care unit. 醫生在重症監護病房操作透析機。

A doctor operates a dialysis machine in an intensive care unit.醫生在重症監護病房操作透析機。

Picture Alliance/dpa/picture alliance via Getty I 圖片聯盟/dpa/通過Getty I圖片聯盟

Concern among experts is so grave that two leading advocacy organizations for kidney illness penned a letter in recent days to state leaders calling on a shift in policy.


“A one-size-fits-all category that denies care to all patients with kidney failure is short-sighted, arbitrary, unethical, and discriminatory,” the presidents of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) and the National Kidney Foundation in a letter to the National Governors Association and the National Conference of State Legislatures wrote last week. Nephrology refers to medical specialization in kidneys.


“Blanket policies that categorically restrict the access of kidney patients, and other vulnerable populations, to critical care are scientifically unfounded and inappropriately interfere with the trusted patient-physician relationship as well as disregard basic principles of medical ethics,” the groups added. “Unilateral guidance should never outweigh sound, individualized medical judgment.”


MORE: Doctors fear shortage of drug critical to ventilator treatment for coronavirus 更多:醫生擔心呼吸機治療冠狀病毒的關鍵藥物短缺

An estimated 40 million adults in the U.S. have chronic kidney disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Experts anticipate even more Americans will develop kidney ailments as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, but the extent of the kidney damage in confirmed coronavirus patients remains unclear.


The ASN and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are “working to get better numbers – harder numbers – than the impressions of nephrologists,” according to Dr. Alan Kliger, a Yale nephrologist and co-chairman of the ASN coronavirus task force.



Medics and hospital workers prepare to lift a COVID-19 patient onto a hospital stretcher outside the Montefiore Medical Center... 醫務人員和醫院工作人員準備將一名covid19患者抬上醫院的擔架,該擔架位於Montefiore醫療中心外。


Medics and hospital workers prepare to lift a COVID-19 patient onto a hospital stretcher outside the Montefiore Medical Center Moses Campus on April 07, 2020, in the Bronx borough of New York.2020年4月7日,紐約布朗克斯區,醫務人員和醫院工作人員準備將一名covid19患者抬上醫院的擔架。

John Moore/Getty Images 約翰摩爾/蓋蒂圖片社

What is clear, experts say, is that a substantial proportion of critically ill coronavirus patients – those on ventilators in the intensive care unit – require dialysis machines. The number of those needing dialysis range from 20-40% of that severely ill subgroup of positive cases, according to Kliger.


Studies and clinical anecdotes indicate that the coronavirus can attack the kidneys, leading to kidney failure or, in patients with existing kidney disease, exacerbate matters. Compounding the issue is that kidney disease is made worse in patients who require mechanical ventilation, like many patients with severe cases of the coronavirus. Without dialysis, fluid can accumulate in the lung when the kidneys can't remove enough fluid and toxins from the body.


MORE: Lawsuit filed against WHO over its handling of coronavirus outbreak 更多:對世界衛生組織處理冠狀病毒爆發的訴訟

“These patients generate the toxins that are removed by dialysis at a phenomenal rate – a rate that will make your eyes pop out,” said Dr. Joel Topf, the medical director of St. Clair Nephrology Research in Detroit, Michigan. “We are finding we need to dialyze these patients every day using high doses of the dialysis to clear off these toxins … and that really adds to the stress on resources.”


Experts cited a growing need for both dialysis machines and the fluid required to dialyze patients. Because manufacturing new machines can be an arduous process, Dr. Sunny Jha, a USC anesthesiologist, suggested states with fewer cases donate machines to the “hot spots” – not unlike the reallocation of ventilators in recent weeks.

專家指出,對透析機和透析液的需求越來越大。由於製造新機器可能是一個艱難的過程,南加州大學麻醉學家Sunny Jha博士建議病例較少的州捐贈機器給“熱點地區”——這與最近幾周呼吸器的重新分配沒有什麼不同。

“We have had trouble getting the fluids needed for dialysis. Machines are needed as well but getting them can be complicated,” said Dr. Jha. “One way that we can address this is by asking those not seeing as much kidney disease and coronavirus to reallocate their supplies to the hot spots.”



STOCK PHOTO: Hemodialysis machines with tubing and installations. 庫存照片:血液透析機與管道和安裝。

STOCK PHOTO: Hemodialysis machines with tubing and installations.庫存照片:血液透析機與管道和安裝。

STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images 股票照片/蓋蒂圖片社

The creative spirit hospitals are exercising to preserve resources extends beyond supplies, experts suggest. Staffing shortages – nurses and dialysis machine technicians – are also being stretched thin.


“Physicians are having to be creative in these circumstances and other types of dialysis machines require specifically trained dialysis nurses which are hard to find,” said Dr. Nwamaka Eneanya, Nephrologist and Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania)腎病學家、醫學助理教授Nwamaka Eneanya博士說:“在這種情況下,醫生必須發揮創造力,而其他類型的透析機需要經過專門培訓的透析護士,而這是很難找到的。”

MORE: The coronavirus dilemma: Are we using ventilators too much? 更多:冠狀病毒困境:我們是不是用了太多的呼吸器?

Topf echoed that sentiment, noting that the coronavirus “is just wearing down the nurses, and we are really asking a lot of them.”


“If you focus on machines and fluids and filters, you’re not talking about the real story,” Topf added. “The real story is people.”


Taken together, the strain on resources – both human and logistical – remains a threat to those at risk of contracting kidney ailments. And with guidelines in place in some states that might push those resources out of reach of those on dialysis, nephrologists and medical experts hope to spread awareness of the risks.


“Given the discussions we have been having about using ventilators and crisis standards of care, as well as scare resource allocation, it might be time to start tracking the use of dialysis treatment in critical care and if we have the skilled nurses we need to deliver care to patients with kidney failure,” said Dr. Kelly Michelson, director of the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at Northwestern University. “This can help us get in front of the issue and provide insight to help inform ethics conversations.”


