
1 get ...out of the way first 先來說一說......

So, let's get the bad news out of the way first. 首先讓我們來說一說壞消息。

2 regardless of 不顧,不管

She always travels first-class regardless of expense. 無論費用多高她總是乘頭等艙。

Everyone has the right to good medical care regardless of their ability to pay. 無論支付能力如何,每個人都有權得到良好的醫療。

He went ahead and did it, regardless of the consequences. 他說幹就幹了,沒有考慮後果。

The club welcomes all new members regardless of age. 俱樂部對所有新成員不分年齡一律歡迎。


3 in spite of 儘管;不管,不顧

They are firm friends in spite of temperamental differences. 他們儘管性格不同,但仍然友情甚篤。

In spite of many defeats, they still had plenty of fight left in them. 他們儘管多次失敗,但仍然鬥志昂揚。

In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile. 儘管他很失望,他還是勉強露出一絲淡淡的微笑。

In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends. 儘管有過爭吵,他們仍是最好的朋友。

In spite of all her family problems, she's really in control. 她雖然家庭問題重重,卻能完全處之泰然。

In spite of his illness, he clung tenaciously to his job. 儘管有病,他仍頑強地堅持工作。


4 as well as 也;和…一樣;不但…而且

Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results.


He plays classical music, as well as pop and jazz. 他演奏流行音樂和爵士樂,同時也演奏古典音樂。

It makes sense politically as well as economically. 這在經濟上和政治上都有道理。

5 instead adv. 代替;反而;相反

She wasn't sent to the juvenile court; instead she was cautioned.


He didn't reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room.


更多雅思口語高分話題詞彙在微信公眾號'Sharon黃文琪'上回復關鍵詞,如:‘weather’, ‘perfume’,‘travel', 'animal' ,'study', 'work', ‘hometown', 'movie'等

