
What is UI?- 什麼是用戶界面設計?

Simply put, user interface (UI) is anything a user may interact with to use a digital product or service. This includes everything from screens and touchscreens, keyboards, sounds, and even lights. To understand the evolution of UI, however, it’s helpful to learn a bit more about its history and how it has evolved into best practices and a profession.

簡而言之,用戶界面(UI)是用戶可以與之交互以使用數字產品或服務的任何內容。 這包括屏幕和觸摸屏,鍵盤,聲音甚至燈光在內的所有內容。 但是,要了解UI的發展,對它的歷史以及它如何演變成最佳實踐和專業知識有更多的幫助。

A brief history of the user interface -用戶界面的發展歷程

Back in the 1970’s, if you wanted to use a computer, you had to use the command line interface. The graphical interfaces used today didn’t yet exist commercially. For a computer to work, users needed to communicate via programming language, requiring seemingly infinite lines of code to complete a simple task.

早在1970年代,如果您想使用計算機,就必須使用命令行界面。 今天使用的圖形界面尚未在商業上出現。 為了使計算機正常工作,用戶需要通過編程語言進行通信,從而需要看似無數的代碼行來完成一些簡單的任務。

By the 1980’s the first graphical user interface (GUI) was developed by computer scientists at Xerox PARC. With this groundbreaking innovation, users could now interact with their personal computers by visually submitting commands through icons, buttons, menus, and checkboxes.

到1980年代,Xerox PARC的計算機科學家開發了第一個圖形用戶界面(GUI)。 通過這一突破性的創新,用戶現在可以通過圖標,按鈕,菜單和複選框直觀地提交命令,從而實現個人與計算機進行交互。


This shift in technology meant that anyone could use a computer, no coding required, and the personal computer revolution began.


By 1984 Apple Computer released the Macintosh personal computer which included a point and click mouse. The Macintosh was the first commercially successful home computer to use this type of interface.

到1984年,蘋果公司發行了Macintosh個人PC,其中包括一個鼠標。 Macintosh是使用這種f方式的第一款商業上成功的家用計算機。

The accessibility and prevalence of personal—and office—computers meant that interfaces needed to be designed with users in mind. If users couldn’t interact with their computers, they wouldn’t sell. As a result, the UI designer was born.

個人電腦和服務器的便攜和普及,意味著需要在設計時考慮用戶的界面。 如果用戶無法與他們的計算機進行交互,那麼他們就不會有銷量。於是,UI設計師誕生了。

As with any growing technology, the UI designer’s role has evolved as systems, preferences, expectations, and accessibility has demanded more and more from devices. Now UI designers work not just on computer interfaces, but mobile phones, augmented and virtual reality, and even “invisible” or screenless interfaces (also referred to as zero UI) like voice, gesture, and light.

與任何發展中的技術一樣,隨著系統,偏好,期望和便攜性對設備的要求越來越高,UI設計師的角色也在不斷髮展。 現在,UI設計人員不僅可以在計算機界面上工作,而且可以在手機,增強現實和虛擬現實,甚至語音,手勢和燈光等“不可見”或無屏幕界面(也稱為0UI)上工作。

Today’s UI designer has nearly limitless opportunities to work on websites, mobile apps, wearable technology, and smart home devices, just to name a few. As long as computers continue to be a part of daily life, there will be the need to make the interfaces that enable users of all ages, backgrounds, and technical experience can effectively use.

如今的UI設計師在網站,移動應用,可穿戴技術和智能家居設備上工作的機會有非常多,這裡僅舉幾個例子。 只要計算機繼續成為日常生活的一部分,就需要讓各種年齡,背景和技術經驗的用戶都能夠有效使用這些技術。

What is UX?什麼是交互設計?

User experience, or UX, evolved as a result of the improvements to UI. Once there was something for users to interact with, their experience, whether positive, negative, or neutral, changed how users felt about those interactions.

用戶界面交互設計(UX)的改進是用戶體驗的發展。 一旦有用戶可以與之交互的東西,他們的體驗,無論是好的,不好用的還是中立的,都會改變用戶對這些交互的感覺。


Source: User Experience Rocks

Cognitive scientist Don Norman is credited with coining the term, “user experience” back in the early 1990’s when he worked at Apple and defines it as follows,

認知科學家唐·諾曼(Don Norman)早在1990年代初在蘋果公司工作時就創造了“用戶體驗”一詞,其定義如下:

‘User experience’ encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products.



Source: Peter Moreville

This ‘usability honeycomb’ has become the foundation for best practices for UX professionals to help guide their efforts across multiple touchpoints with the user, including:

  • How they would discover your company’s product
  • The sequence of actions they take as they interact with the interface
  • The thoughts and feelings that arise as they try to accomplish their task
  • The impressions they take away from the interaction as a whole


· 他們如何發現你公司的產品

· 它們與界面交互時採取的動作順序

· 他們試圖完成任務時產生的想法和感覺

· 他們從整個互動中獲得的印象

UX designers work closely with UI designers, UX researchers, marketers, and product teams to understand their users through research and experimentation. They use the insights gained to continually iterate and improve experiences, based on both quantitative and qualitative user research.

UX設計師與UI設計師,UX研究人員,營銷人員和產品團隊緊密合作,以通過研究和實驗來了解其用戶。 他們基於定量和定性的用戶研究,使用獲得的見解來不斷迭代和改善體驗。

What's the difference between UI and UX?UI和UX有什麼區別?

Don Norman and Jakob Nielsen summed it up nicely when they said:

It’s important to distinguish the total user experience from the user interface (UI), even though the UI is obviously an extremely important part of the design. As an example, consider a website with movie reviews. Even if the UI for finding a film is perfect, the UX will be poor for a user who wants information about a small independent release if the underlying database only contains movies from the major studios.


Take Google, for example. Its famously spartan interface highlights how a great experience doesn’t require bells and whistles. By focusing on the user, Google knows that when they come to the site, they’re after one thing: information. And they want it quickly.

以Google為例。 其著名的斯巴達式界面彰顯了出色的體驗是如何不費吹灰之力的。 通過關注用戶,Google知道他們進入該網站的目的只有一件事:信息。 他們很快就想要。

The fact that ‘google’ is a widely accepted verb shows how well the company delivers on that experience—and expectation. Just about anything a person has ever wanted to know can be accessed in the blink of an eye and few other search engines survive today.

“ google”是一個廣為接受的公司,這一事實表明了公司在這種體驗和期望方面的表現如何。 眨眼之間就可以訪問一個人曾經想知道的幾乎所有內容,導致如今沒有其他搜索引擎可以生存了。(百度除外,啊哈哈)

Now imagine that every time you searched on Google, it took 15 seconds to get a result—you’d no longer be able to instantly get an answer to your question. Even if the interface stayed the same, your experience with Google would be dramatically different.


UI/UX experts weigh in -UI / UX專家參與的內容

Not surprisingly, different people have different takes on this topic. So we reached out to some smart and talented folks from the tech industry to get their opinion.

Here’s what they had to say about the difference between UI and UX:


1. UX is focused on the user’s journey to solve a problem, UI is focused on how a product’s surfaces look and function

1. UX專注於用戶解決問題的過程,UI專注於產品表面的外觀和功能




Norton – Partner at Google Ventures, Ex-Product Manager at Google


Norton-Google Ventures合夥人,Google前產品經理


2. A UX designer is concerned with the conceptual aspects of the design process, leaving the UI designer to focus on the more tangible elements

2. UX設計人員關注設計過程的概念方面,讓UI設計人員專注於更具體的元素




Budd – Co-founder of Clearleft, Founder of UX London


Budd - Clearleft的聯合創始人,UX London的創始人


3. There is no difference between UX and UI design because they are two things that aren’t comparable to each other

3. UX和UI設計之間沒有區別,因為它們是兩個不能相互比較的東西




Morrison – Head of Product at RecordSetter, Founder of Usability Hou 克雷格·莫里森——唱片公司的產品主管, Founder of Usability Hou的創始人/<code>

4. UI is the bridge that gets us where we want to go, UX is the feeling we get when we arrive.

4. UI是我們到達目的地的橋樑,UX是我們到達目的地的感覺。




Ogle – Host and producer of User Defenders podcast, Designer at NCM


Ogle -用戶防禦播客的主持人和製作人,NCM的設計師


5. UI is focused on the product, a series of snapshots in time. UX focuses on the user and their journey through the product

5. UI關注的是產品,一系列的快照。UX關注用戶和他們的產品進行




Jenson – Product Strategist at Google


Jenson -谷歌的產品策略師


6. UX encompasses all the experiences a person has with a product or service, whereas UI is specific to the means by which people interact with a product or service.





Obi – UX Researcher at UserTesting


Obi - UX研究員在用戶測試


“User experience (UX) is the interaction and experience users have with a company’s products and services. To gain UX insights, this might include conducting research to learn about the positive and negatives points of an experience and taking those learnings to make improvements that positively impact a user’s experience.


Think about ordering food online for a pickup delivery. The UX consists of the user’s interactions with placing their order on a company’s website, their in-store experience of picking up their order, and also their satisfaction with their food.


User interface (UI) is the specific asset users interact with. For example, UI can deal with traditional concepts like visual design elements such as colors and typography. It can also look at the functionality of screens or more unconventional systems like those that are voiced-based.


To continue with the online food order example, UI would focus on the visual design of the screens a user interacts with, such as which color to make the order button and where to place it on the page. This can also include any interfaces a user might come in contact with in-store.”



