

I think I should write you a love letter, from the afternoon sunshine to dusk, and then there is no ink.


我差一点就要碰到星星啦, 真的,只是后来天亮了,梯子没稳,我摔下来了,再后来啊,我连抬头看看星星都不敢了。

I almost met the stars. Really, it was only after dawn, the ladder was unstable, and I fell down. Later, I couldn't even look up at the stars.



As we all know, the evening breeze is a synonym for beauty and gentleness.



All the "sudden thoughts" in the world are "always on the bottom of my heart".



More than ten years ago, when I was in high school, my deskmate was a quiet and beautiful girl who liked me very much, but maybe it was the reason why I started late. I turned a blind eye to her. My only hobby was playing football, and her only hobby was watching me play football



In this way, we pour out a pot of wine and drink the rest of our lives. It's bitterness, nostalgia, cheering and youth are all done. In this way, we'll live a lifetime.



The first button is wrong, but you can only find it when you buckle to the last one. Some things are wrong at the beginning, but only in the end can you have to admit it.



You appear in my whole world, but just passing by.


世界就像一个巨大的马戏团,它让我兴奋,也让我惶恐。因为我知道散场永远是有限温存,无限心酸 。​​​​

The world is like a huge circus. It makes me excited and scared. Because I know the end of the field is always limited warmth, infinite heartache.



