
舊金山-金州勇士隊教練史蒂夫·科爾(Steve Kerr)說。詹姆斯·哈登(James Harden)的進攻才華改變了球隊夜夜捍衛他的方式。


克爾說:“詹姆斯基本上已經迫使整個聯盟重新考慮如何防守。” “特別是他的想法,但甚至包括如何防守擋拆,以及三分球手的數量。所以我看到了很多創新的東西。

科爾補充說:“多倫多在幾周前對他做了一些有趣的事情。盧克·沃爾頓在薩克拉曼多與他隔夜一拳。”其他四個遊戲區。 “那就是詹姆斯。他是如此出色,你必須盡力使他保持平衡。”


勇士隊的前鋒德雷蒙德·格林特別讚揚助理教練賈倫·科林斯(Jarron Collins)制定的防禦計劃扼殺了哈登和整個火箭隊。

格林說:“今天的比賽計劃非常出色。” “沒有比這更好的了。”


“你必須這樣做。”格林說。 “當一個人平均只有40歲時,您將無法繼續做同樣的事情-您將獲得相同的結果。因此,我認為聯盟中沒有任何人可以一對一地涵蓋他。可以努力使他變得更強壯,但是他贏得了MVP,併成為了他的[通過]打出強硬的球成為了自己的人。他現在靠後衛為生,這曾經是他比賽中最艱難的投籃之一籃球,現在他已經取得了專利。


隨著勇士竭盡全力限制哈登,火箭無法在進攻端找到另一個答案。休斯敦後衛羅素·威斯布魯克溫特(Russell Westbrookwon)僅32球就投中11球,而火箭隊的100發投籃中只有37發。

哈登說:“那是他們的計劃,那是遊戲計劃。” “看起來像是行得通。(我們)有很多機會,很多偉大的機會,我們只是沒有轉變。這很簡單。”


科爾說:“我們所做的最好的事情不是對他犯規。” “你知道,一個罰球。而且在第一節之後,我們對韋斯布魯克的犯規也沒多大。所以這使得比賽繼續進行,並且讓我們可以在空曠的地方打比賽,因為他們的防守確實在一半球場,所以節奏對我們來說是正確的。”


韋斯特布魯克說:“這是我們不習慣的事情。” “它確實發生了。今晚我們錯過了鏡頭,所以它起作用了。你知道,繼續前進到下一個。不過,祝你好運,嘗試這樣做。”

考慮到他們在一個充滿傷病的賽季中取得了7勝24負的戰績,勇士隊會接受。根據凱撒體育書(Caesars Sportsbook)的報道,勝利是過去30年來聖誕節比賽中最大的一次失敗,因為金州勇士隊(Golden State)輸了11.5分。

受傷的明星斯蒂芬·庫裡(Stephen Curry)和克萊·湯普森(Klay Thompson)在金州立替補席上感到自豪,擔任庫裡的姐夫的兩路後衛戴姆·李(Damion Lee)以22分,15個籃板和4次助攻獲得了職業生涯最好的比賽之一。最重要的是,勇士以能夠在過去幾年中與一支統治球隊的比賽中獲勝而感到自豪。當被問到這是否是他隊本賽季最好的勝利時,克爾迅速做出了回應。

他說:“是的,但是沒有太多選擇。”他笑著說。 “那是一次偉大的勝利。偉大的勝利。很明顯,聖誕節那天我們正在組建一支偉大的球隊,無論經歷了多麼艱難的上半賽季或第三賽季,無論如何,所以我為自己感到高興球員,他們應得的。


SAN FRANCISCO -- Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr says James Harden's offensive brilliance has changed the way teams have to defend him night to night.

In Golden State's biggest win of the year, a 116-104 decision over the Houston Rockets on Wednesday, the Warriors held Harden to just 24 points after he came into the contest averaging almost 39. Kerr noted that his group worked hard in its preparation before facing the NBA's leading scorer.

"James has basically forced the whole league to reconsider how to defend," Kerr said. "Him in particular, but even how to guard pick-and-roll, with the number of 3-point shooters people have. So I've seen a lot of innovative stuff out there.

"Toronto did something interesting with him a few weeks ago. Luke Walton ran a box-and-one the other night against him in Sacramento," Kerr added, referring to a defense in which the defender on Harden plays man-to-man while the other four play zone. "That's who James is. He's so good that you have to try to do your best to keep him off balance."

The defensive challenge to stop Harden on Wednesday started with veteran swingman Glenn Robinson III, who played a solid game while chipping in with 18 points of his own. On top of Robinson's performance, the Warriors repeatedly threw bodies at Harden and tried to set up traps when possible.

Warriors forward Draymond Greenspecifically praised assistant coach Jarron Collins for setting up the defensive scheme that stifled Harden and the rest of the Rockets throughout.

"That game plan was f---ing phenomenal today," Green said. "It don't get much better than that."

Green, who played one of his best games of the season on both ends of the floor, agreed with Kerr's feeling that Harden's offensive ability has changed the way teams must defend him.

"You have to," Green said. "When a guy's averaging 40, you can't keep doing the same thing -- you're going to get the same results. So I don't think there's anyone in the league that can cover him one-on-one. You can try to make it tough on him, but he's won MVP and became who he's become [by] hitting tough shots. He's made a living now off of the step-back. That used to be one of the toughest shots in the game of basketball. He's now made it a patented shot.

"So you definitely have to switch up the way you guard [him], and we was able to do it successfully tonight."

With the Warriors doing everything they could to limit Harden, the Rockets couldn't find another answer offensively. Houston guard Russell Westbrookwent just 11-for-32 from the field as the Rockets made just 37 of the 100 shots they took.

"That was their scheme, that was the game plan," Harden said. "Looks like it worked. [We had] a lot of opportunities, a lot of great opportunities that we just didn't convert on. It's pretty simple."

The biggest key for the Warriors, aside from the consistency of pressure on Harden, was that they held him to just one free throw attempt -- a feat even more impressive considering he came into the game averaging 12.8 foul shots.

"The best thing we did was not foul him," Kerr said. "You know, one free throw. And after the first quarter, we didn't foul Westbrook much, either. And so that kept the game going and it allowed us to play in open space, because their defense is really good in the half court, so the tempo was right for us."

Westbrook is convinced that this game was just a blip on the radar, not a trend the rest of the league will follow.

"It's nothing we ain't used to," Westbrook said. "It happens. Tonight we missed shots, so it worked. You know, move on to the next one. Good luck, though, trying to do that."

The Warriors will take it, given that they came in toting a 7-24 record in a season that has been littered with injuries. The victory marked the largest upset in a Christmas game over the past 30 years, as Golden State was an 11.5-point underdog, according to Caesars Sportsbook.

Injured stars Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson beamed with pride from the Golden State bench as two-way guard Damion Lee, Curry's brother-in-law, had one of the best games of his career, with 22 points, 15 rebounds and 4 assists. Most of all, the Warriors took pride in the fact that they were able to win a game against a team they have dominated over the past few years. When asked if this was his team's best victory of the season, Kerr responded quickly.

"Well, yeah, but there haven't been that many to choose from," he said, as reporters chuckled. "It was a great win. Great win. Obviously, we're playing a great team, Christmas Day, and we've been through a tough first half of the season or third, whatever it is, so mostly I'm happy for the players. They deserve this.

"And I'm happy for our fans. This is a good Christmas present for them because they're here every night cheering for us."




