
【問四】 I saw the third man coming with some pineapples.這句話的斷句是:I saw / the third man coming with pineapples.還是I saw the third man / coming with pineapples.   

我想問一下,前者的斷句是把the third man coming with pineapples看作整個賓語,coming with pineapples就相當於定語從句who was coming with pineapples的簡化,修飾the third man.這是第一個理解;後者的斷句是把coming with pineapples看做賓補,補充說明賓語the third man. 請問如何哪個解釋更正確呢。  

【答】分析句子成分時,應注意兩點:首先考慮句子結構,包括動詞的用法和句型,其次要考慮句子意義,二者必須兼顧,不能偏廢。I saw the third man coming with some pineapples. 意思應該是:  


如果把coming with some pineapples按定語來理解,那麼意思就是:  



從動詞see的用法看,我們知道see後可以跟複合賓語,句式是:see sb. doing sth.   

那麼,the third man coming with pineapples 則是see的複合賓語,其中the third man是賓語,coming with pineapples是賓補。  

結論:無論從句子意思還是see的用法看,coming with pineapples作賓補無疑。



【問五】I found some flowers in the garden. in the garden是做狀語還是做賓語的補足語?

【答】想弄清楚這個問題,應先從find的用法著手。find 的用法如下:  

1. find後跟單賓語:  

(1) Many people here cannot find work.  

(2) He didn’t find his key in his bag.  

2. find後跟雙賓語:  

(1) I wonder if you could find me some bread.  

(2) He has to apply for a permit and we have to find him a job.  

3. find後跟複合賓語(賓語+補足語):  

(1) When she woke up, she found herself in a hospital.    

(2) It's not the first time that you've found yourself in this situation.    

(3) At my age I would find it hard to get another job...    

(4) They found her walking alone and depressed on the beach.  

(5) She returned to her east   London   home to find her back door forced open.  



He didn’t find his key in his bag. 句中的in his bag


When she woke up, she found herself in a hospital. 句中的in a hospital 是賓補,不是地點狀語。  

回到問題:I found some flowers in the garden. in the garden從語法上看,既可以作地點狀語,也可以作賓語補足語。但從意思上看,我傾向於作地點狀語。譯為:我在花園裡發現了(見到了)一些花。如果視為賓補,則很勉強,譯為:我發現一些花在花園裡



