心連心 抗疫情,客戶關懷郵件你發送了嗎?

截止15日,國外新冠肺炎確診病例超過191.5萬人(數據更新至2020.04.15 09:34),其中又以美國、意大利、法國、西班牙、英國疫情最為嚴重。在這場抗擊病毒的“戰役”中,有無數的心為疫情而牽動。


心連心 抗疫情,客戶關懷郵件你發送了嗎?


01 客戶近況問候

  • Hope everything goes well.(希望你一切都好)
  • Hope everything goes well with you and your family.(希望你和你的家人一切順利)
  • I'm worried about novel coronavirus pneumonia in your country. Is your family and you all good? (我擔心你們國家的新型冠狀病毒肺炎。你的家人和你們都好嗎?)


02 公司復工通知

  • Our factory has restarted producing, but due to the the virus,our delivery date will be delayed in the mid-April.(我們復工了,工廠也重啟生產了,但是受疫情影響交期將要延遲到4月中旬)
  • At all events,we will try best to shorten the delivery time as soon as possible.(無論如何,我們會盡力縮短交期)
  • We will let you knowwhen we confirm the delivery date. You can also contact me at any time. Wish you and me good luck.(當我們確定了交期會讓你知曉,你也可以隨時聯繫我,祝你我好運)


03 表達信心/給予幫助

  • If you have other ideas, please let us know and we are willing to cooperate, thank you for understanding.(如果你有其他想法,我們願意配合,感謝理解)
  • I have asked our product manager to call you and to find out what we can do.(我已經請我們的產品經理打電話給你,並找出我們能為你做什麼。)
  • If you have any doubt , welcome to consult us ,thank you.(任何疑問 ,歡迎諮詢,謝謝)
  • It is important to me that you be pleased. As you have been a long-time customer, and we appreciate your support. (你高興對我很重要。由於您長期以來一直是我們的客戶,我們感謝您的支持。)


04 疫情防護建議

  • The virus spread, Please take protective measures to protect yourself and your family. Wear a mask, disinfect more, and stay out of the crowd.(病毒傳播,請採取保護措施,保護自己和家人。戴上口罩,多消毒,遠離人群。)

  • It is highly suggested that we all stay at home during this special period of time to keep safe as this coronavirus is spread through droplet transmission when an infected person coughs or sneezes. (強烈建議大家在這段特殊的時間呆在家裡,以保證安全,因為當受感染的人咳嗽或打噴嚏時,這種冠狀病毒通過飛沫傳播。)



心連心 抗疫情,客戶關懷郵件你發送了嗎?


