




Case Study One(舉例國家)


Supermarkets should only sell food produced from within their own country rather than imports from overseas. What are your opinions on this?

It is certainly the case that importing food can have a negative effect on local culture. This can be seen in countries such as Japan where imported food has become more popular than traditional, local produce, eroding people's understanding of their own food traditions. Although some would claim that this is a natural part of economic development in an increasingly global world, I feel strongly that any loss of regional culture would be detrimental.

為了證明importing food對當地會有negative effect,這一段的論證方法採用了舉例論證。具體列舉了Japan的情況。這裡面如果說some countries, 或者 developed countries而不具體到Japan就不符合舉例論證中具體的要求。換句話來說some countries和developed countries是可以在分割的概念。而Japan作為一個國家就不可再分割了。這就體現題具體的原則。

Case Study Two(舉例時間)


Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now 'one big traffic jam'.

How true do you think this statement is? What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars?

Many big cities in the world have traffic problems but these problems vary. For example, it is reasonably easy to drive around my city after 10 am and before 5 pm. However, outside these hours, you have to allow double the usual time to reach your destination. In some other cities, traffic is congested at all times, and there is the continual sound of car horns as people try to get wherever they want to go.

本段需要論證traffic problems是不同的。For example後面就是舉例論證。這裡面面在舉例子用到了10 am and before 5 pm這樣的一個的時間。那麼相反的不具體就是some period等這樣的表述.

Case Study Three(舉例人數)


Increasing numbers of students are choosing to study abroad.

To what extent does this trend benefit the students themselves and the countries involved?

What are the drawbacks?

However, this trend has drawbacks as well as benefits for those concerned. One potential drawback is that the instruction international students receive may not be relevant to their home contexts. For example, students from developing countries who go to Western countries for teacher training are often taught to use teaching techniques that are suitable for small classes. When they return home they are often expected to teach classes of 40 or 50 students. Hence, what they have been trained to do may not be relevant.

本文需要說明出國學習也有缺點,論點是國外學到的東西not be relevant to 本國的情況。主要是說在西方學到的教學方法是小班教學的方法,而回國之後是大班教學。這裡為了舉例更具體舉出了具體的人數40 or 50 students。如果只是說大班小班就不符合具體原則了。

Case Study Four(舉例題型)


Many people believe that formal “pen and paper” examinations are not the best method of assessing educational achievement.

Discuss this view and give your own opinion.

There are clearly certain advantages to exams. They help to ensure fairness by imposing the same conditions on all exam candidates. They are also relatively versatile; different types of exam questions, for example, multiple-choice questions and essay tasks, can test different sorts of reasoning ability. However, exams also have clear drawbacks. Test-wise candidates can often perform well on exams without having good underlying knowledge or skills. On the other hand, some test-takers perform poorly in exams simply because of anxiety. Some teachers and learners focus only on those aspects of the curriculum that are likely to be tested, thus narrowing the educational experience for all.

本文為了證明exam是有實際用處的,列舉了multiple-choice questions and essay tasks他們的好處。而multiple-choice questions and essay tasks就是具體舉例了exam的種類。





