在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

La Petite是由Bone設計的位於阿拉伯聯合酋長國阿萊茵的簡約咖啡館。Bone的設計理念是用立體主義的方法將咖啡吧的體量重新定義為一個整體雕塑,它具有多種功能,同時強調了一個人在空間中所扮演的重要角色。從顧客的角度來看,酒吧的高度被壓低了,作為客人的咖啡桌。從咖啡師的位置,酒吧是在工作高度,這允許在一個人的水平視覺流體動態和統一。

La Petite is a minimalist cafe located in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, designed by Bone. Bone‘s design intent was to redefine the coffee bar’s volume as a monolithic sculpture in a cubist approach, that serves multiple functions as well as emphasizes the essential role that one plays within a space. The height of the bar is depressed from a customer’s standpoint — and serves as a coffee table for guests. From a barista’s position, the bar is at working height, this allows for a fluid dynamic and unification in one’s horizontal vision.

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

受Al Ain的景觀、沙漠地形、空間的座位和工作高度層次的啟發,形成了座位安排的多樣性,與花園形成了直接的視覺聯繫,創造了隱私並消除了視線障礙。座位安排來源於阿聯酋傳統的露天咖啡座,以及休閒、悠閒的咖啡座。

Inspired by Al Ain’s landscapes, desert topography, the space’s seating, and working height hierarchy was shaped – allowing a diversity in seating arrangements which accommodates a direct visual connection to the garden, creating privacy and eliminating obstruction of view. The seating arrangements were derived from traditional Emirati floor majlises as well as casual, laid back cafe seating.

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

表面的材質和處理方式的選擇和色調體現了周圍豐富的沙漠沙土,使空間保持其原點的根基,並營造出一種空間感。使用未經處理的鋁製鉚釘桌和來自Frama的黑色鋼製Trianglo座椅,與粗糙,光滑飾面的礦物石膏,柔軟的亞麻布和黏土檯燈形成對比。 雙層玻璃門的使用強調了這種聯繫,創造了內部空間和周圍景觀之間的對話,而商店和花園中的定向照明燈具模仿了柔和的舞臺燈光輪廓。

The selection and tonality of the materiality and treatment of surfaces epitomize the surrounding abundant desert sand, allowing the space to remain grounded in its location’s origins and create a sense of space. Mineral plasters in coarse and smooth finishes, soft linens, clay table lamps are complemented with the use of untreated aluminum Rivet tables and black steel Trianglo Chairs from Frama.The use of bi-fold glass doors accentuates the connection, creating a dialogue between the inner space and surrounding landscaping while directional light fixtures in the shop and garden mimic soft theatrical lighting silhouettes.

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳

在這裡能遇到愛情,阿萊茵La Petite極簡咖啡廳


項目名稱:La Petite項目位置:阿拉伯聯合酋長國阿萊茵項目類型:餐飲空間/咖啡廳設計完成年份:2020設計公司:Bone攝影:Oculis Project

