


carmeloanthony Damn Bro!!

I hate when I have so much to say, but I can't put anyof it into words. The times I have the most to say are the times that I can't talk. I'm screaming inside but can't be heard. YOU don't know how hard it is to try to pretend to smile when I have these clouds ofemotions.


YOU just called me and told me you were coming tothe game Friday and that you were proud of me and"regardless of anything, stay true to myself andSTAYME7O".We were just laughing about how hard YOU was working GiGi and her teammates and I told YOU theyneed a day off.

“不久之前,你還打電話給我,說會來觀看週五的比賽。你為我感到驕傲,告訴我不要為任何事情後悔,保持真我,堅持甜瓜( STAYME70)。記得不久前我們還在說笑,你執教GIGI和她的隊友有多麼的艱難。當時我還告訴你,你應該多給她們放假!

This pain is almost unbearable Champ! Why you bro?Why GiGi? Why leave Vanessa with this Sadness andPain. WHY? This will never make sense to me.



I know l'm not suppose to question GODs Will. I know GOD doesn't make mistakes. lt just seems like Italways rains the hardest on those who deserve the sun.

There are moments in life when there's simply NOwords to describe the pain within. This is one ofthem. YOU will continue to be Loved. YOU will bemissed. YOU will forever be remembered. YOUR legacy will live on FOREVER. OUR FRIENDSHIP willnever be forgotten.

“生活往往就是這樣,我的人生曾幾度悲傷到無法形容,這一次就是其中之- -。。你會被世人永遠愛戴,你會被世人永遠銘記,你的傳奇故事會與世長存,我永遠不.會忘記我們之間的友誼。

I know YOU will be near, Even if I don't see YOU.PEACE KING!!! "There Are No Goodbyes. Where EverYou'll be, You'll be in Our Hearts"All Praise Due#STAYME7O

“我知道你將永遠在我身邊,即使我再也看不到你了。安息吧,國王!我不會和你說再見,不論你去了哪裡?你都會在我心中!為你歌頌所有,我的兄弟。#STAYME70" .


