110-5 聽老友記練口語 Phoebe let scientist guy go

[Time lapse. Bobby is talking about his grandfather. Everyone else is virtually in tears]

110-5 聽老友記練口語 Phoebe let scientist guy go

Fun Bobby: It's gonna be an open casket, y'know, so at least I'll- I get to see him again. 他棺材將暫時不蓋上 所以我至少可以再見他最後一面

Janice: (Ross is still taking their photo) Oh, I'm gonna blow this one up, and I'm gonna write 'Reunited' in glitter. 這一次我不想再搞砸了 我要寫上“破鏡重圓”

Chandler: Alright, Janice, that's it! Janice... Janice... Hey, Janice, when I invited you to this party I didn't necessarily think that it meant that we- Janice,夠了 Janice…我邀你來...但它並不代表我們…

Janice: Oh, no. Oh, no.

Chandler: I'm sorry you misunderstood... 抱歉,讓你誤會了

Janice: Oh my God. You listen to me, Chandler, you listen to me. One of these times is just gonna be your last chance with me. (She runs off) 你聽我說…這可能是你我最後一次共處了

(Ross is still taking photos)

Chandler: Oh, will you give me the thing. (Snatches the camera) 那東西可以給我嗎?

(David is feeding Phoebe popcorn. Max walks up)

Phoebe: Hi, Max!

Max: Yoko. (To David) I've decided to go to Minsk without you. 嗨,小野洋子 我決定自己去明斯克了

David: Wow.

Max: It won't be the same- but it'll still be Minsk. Happy New Year.(Walks off) 少了你將失色不少,但它還是明斯克新年快樂

Phoebe: Are you alright?

David: Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine.

(Phoebe leads David into a bedroom)

Phoebe: You're going to Minsk.

David: No, I'm... not going to Minsk.

Phoebe: Oh, you are so going to Minsk. You belong in Minsk. You can't stay here just 'cause of me. 你一定要去明斯克 你屬於明斯克 你不能因為我而留下來

David: Yes I can. Because if I go it means I have to break up with you, and I can't break up with you. 我可以 因為如果我走 就代表我必須與你分手 我又不能和你分手

Phoebe: Oh yes, yes, yes you can. Just say, um, 'Phoebe, my work is my life and that's what I have to do right now'. And I say 'your work?! Your work?! How can you say that?!'. And then you say, um, 'it's tearing me apart, but I have no choice. Can't you understand that?'. And I say (Hits him) 'no! No! I can't understand that!'. 不,你可以 你只要說:菲比,我愛你。但我的工作是我的生命 我現在得去;我說,你的工作?你竟說出這種話? 你說...我痛苦欲絕,但我沒的選擇


David: Uh, ow.

Phoebe: Ooh, sorry. Um, and, and then you put your arms around me. And then you put your arms around me. (He does so) And, um, and then you tell me that you love me and you'll never forget me. 抱歉 然後你抱住我… 然後你對我說你愛我 你永遠不會忘記我

David: I'll never forget you.

Phoebe: And then you say that it's almost midnight and you have to go because you don't wanna start the new year with me if you can't finish it. (They kiss) I'm gonna miss you. You scientist guy. 你又說現在已接近午夜 你必須走了 你不想與我共度新年 因為你實在狠不下心離開 我會想你的,科學家

Dick Clark: (on TV) Hi, this is Dick Clark, live in Times Square. We're in a virtual snowstorm of confetti here in Times Square... 我是迪克拉克 在時代廣場為你做實況報導 時代廣場這兒的五彩紙片紛紛落下

(Joey puts a blanket over Sandy's kids)

Joey: There y'go, kids.

Chandler: (To a woman who he has clearly just met) And then the peacock bit me. (Laughs) Please kiss me at midnight. (She leaves) 然後孔雀就咬我 請在午夜吻我

Joey: You seen Sandy? 看見Sandy沒?

Chandler: Ooh. Uh, I don't know how to tell you this, but she's in Monica's bedroom, getting it on with Max, that scientist geek. Ooh, look at that, I did know how to tell you. 我不知該如何告訴你

她和馬克斯在摩妮卡的房裡 那個科學怪人 酷,你看我還是告訴你了

Rachel: Vrrbddy, the ball is drrbing. 各位,大球要掉了

All: (in the kitchen) What?

Rachel: The bll is drrbing!

Dick Clark: (on TV) In twenty seconds it'll be midnight... 再過20秒鐘就是午夜

Chandler: And the moment of joy is upon us. 興奮的時刻即將到來

110-5 聽老友記練口語 Phoebe let scientist guy go

Joey: Looks like that no date pact thing worked out. 看來‘no date’ 之夜的計劃成功了

Phoebe: Everybody looks so happy. I hate that. 大家好像都很開心, 我不喜歡

Monica: Not everybody's happy. Hey Bobby! 不是大家都開心嘿,巴比

(Bobby waves and then bursts into tears. Midnight comes and everyone at the party except for the gang cheers and kisses)

Chandler: Y'know, I uh.. just thought I'd throw this out here. I'm no math whiz, but I do believe there are three girls and three guys right here. (Makes kiss noise) 我這麼說好了 我不是數學大師 但我相信這兒有3對男女

Phoebe: I dunno. I don't feel like kissing anyone tonight. 今晚我不想親任何人

Rachel: I can't kiss anyone. 我無法親任何人

Monica: So I'm kissing everyone? 我就該親大家?

Joey: Nonono, you can't kiss Ross, that's your brother. 不,你不能親羅斯 他是你哥

Ross: Perfect. Perfect. So now everybody's getting kissed but me. 太好了 大家都被親了,除我之外

Chandler: Alright, somebody kiss me. Somebody kiss me, it's midnight! Somebody kiss me! 誰來親我… 誰來親我…現在是午夜…

Joey: Alrightalrightalright. (Kisses him. Ross takes a photo) There.

Closing Credits

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, time lapse.]

110-5 聽老友記練口語 Phoebe let scientist guy go

Ross: (Watching Marcel and talking to Rachel) I wanted this to work so much. I mean I'm still in there, changing his diapers, pickin' his fleas... but he's just phoning it in. Just so hard to accept the fact that something you love so much doesn't love you back. 我真想和他好好相處 替它換尿布,替它抓跳蚤 但它卻視為理所當然 深愛某人卻得不到回報 真是令人難過

Rachel: ...I think that bitch cracked my tooth. 我想那個賤人打斷了我的牙齒

