英語小說閱讀0406《暮光之城 暮色》第五章13 附單詞註釋

Oh no," Edward muttered. "Go out to the office, Bella."

I looked up at him, bewildered.

"Trust me — go."

I spun and caught the door before it closed, darting out of the infirmary. I could feel Edward right behind me.

  "You actually listened to me." He was stunned.

  "I smelled the blood," I said, wrinkling my nose. Lee wasn't sick from watching other people, like me.

  "People can't smell blood," he contradicted.

  "Well, I can — that's what makes me sick. It smells like rust… and salt." He was staring at me with an unfathomable expression.

  "What?" I asked.

  "It's nothing." Mike came through the door then, glancing from me to Edward. The look he gave Edward confirmed what Edward had said about loathing. He looked back at me, his eyes glum.

  "You look better," he accused.

  "Just keep your hand in your pocket," I warned him again.

"It's not bleeding anymore," he muttered. "Are you going back to class?"

"Are you kidding? I'd just have to turn around and come back."

"Yeah, I guess… So are you going this weekend? To the beach?" While he spoke, he flashed another glare toward Edward, who was standing against the cluttered counter, motionless as a sculpture, staring off into space.

I tried to sound as friendly as possible. "Sure, I said I was in."

"We're meeting at my dad's store, at ten." His eyes flickered to Edward again, wondering if he was giving out too much information. His body language made it clear that it wasn't an open invitation.

  "I'll be there," I promised.

  "I'll see you in Gym, then," he said, moving uncertainly toward the door.

  "See you," I replied. He looked at me once more, his round face slightly pouting, and then as he walked slowly through the door, his shoulders slumped. A swell of sympathy washed over me. I pondered seeing his disappointed face again… in Gym.

  "Gym," I groaned.

Glum 憂鬱

Slump 聳搭著

英語小說閱讀0406《暮光之城 暮色》第五章13 附單詞註釋

















“好吧,我想也是……你這週末會來吧?去海灘?”他說著,又掃了一眼愛德華。後者正一動不動地站在那張混亂不堪的櫃檯旁,像尊雕塑一樣,看著遠處的空氣。 我儘量讓自己的聲音聽起來友好些:“當然,我一定會去的。”






