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* 本文選自《Child Bible》,講述的是女先知底波拉時期發生的事情。


—— SAVED 原型:save 動詞過去式 [seyv]['seɪvd] v. 救;拯救
—— NATION 原型:nation 名詞 ['ney-shuh n]['neɪʃn] n. 國家;民族


Later Sisera, who had nine hundred iron chariots, cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years.
—— iron 形容詞 ['ahy-ern]['aɪən] adj. 鐵的
—— chariots 原型:chariot 名詞複數形式 ['char-ee-uh t]['tʃæriət] n. 二輪戰車
—— cruelly 副詞 ['kroo-uhl]['kruːəli] adv. 殘酷地;及其;非常
—— oppressed 原型:oppress 動詞過去式 [uh-'pres][ə'pres] v. 壓迫;壓抑;壓制
—— Sisera 西西拉(《聖經》故事人物)
—— Israelites 原型:Israelite 名詞複數形式 ['iz-ree-uh-lahyt, -rey-]['iz,riəlait] n. 以色列人

Then the prophetess Deborah, the wife of Lappidoth, delivered Israel.
—— prophetess 名詞 ['prof-i-tis]['prɒfɪtes] n. 女先知;女預言家
—— delivered 原型:deliver 動詞過去式 [dih-'liv-er][dɪ'lɪvə] v. 解救
—— Israel 地名 ['iz-ree-uh l, -rey-]['ɪzreɪl] n. 以色列


She used to sit under the palm-tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the highlands of Ephraim; and the Israelites went to her to have her decide their disputes.
—— used to ... 過去一向,過去時常; 例句:Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女們過去要上儀態課。
—— palm 名詞 [pahm][pɑːm] n. 棕櫚樹
—— highlands 原型:highland 名詞複數形式 ['hahy-luhnd]['haɪlənd] n. 高地
—— decide 動詞 [dih-'sahyd][dɪ'saɪd] v. 決定;判斷;斷定
—— disputes 原型:dispute 名詞複數形式 [dih-'spyoot][dɪ'spjuːt] n. 爭論;爭端;爭吵
—— Ramah n. 拉瑪(以色列城市)
—— Bethel ['beth-uh l]['beθl] n. 伯特利(聖經中地名)

She sent and called Barak, the son of Abinoam, from Kadesh Naphtali and said to him, "Does not Jehovah the God of Israel command you: 'Go, march to Mount Tabor and take with you ten thousand of the Naphtalites and of the Zebulunites?
—— command 動詞 [kuh-'mand, -'mahnd][kə'mɑːnd] v. 命令;指揮
—— march 動詞 [mahrch][mɑːtʃ] v. 前進;行軍
—— Kadesh 卡疊什(古敘利亞城市)
—— Naphtali 拿弗他利宗族(以色列)
—— Jehovah [ji-'hoh-vuh][dʒɪ'həʊvə] n. [聖經]耶和華(指上帝)
—— God 名詞 [god][ɡɒd] n. 上帝

Then I will draw out to you at the brook Kishon Sisera with his chariots and his troops, and I will deliver him into your hands.'" Barak said to her, "If you will go with me, I will go, but if you will not go with me, I will not go." She replied, "I will certainly go with you, only you will not have the glory in this expedition on which you are going, for Jehovah will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman."
—— brook 名詞 [broo k][brʊk] n. 小河;溪
—— troops 原型:troop 名詞複數形式 [troop][truːp] n. 群;組;軍隊
—— deliver 動詞 [dih-'liv-er][dɪ'lɪvə] v. 遞送;交付
—— replied 原型:reply 動詞過去式 [ri-'plahy][rɪ'plaɪ] v. 回答;答覆;回應
—— certainly 副詞 ['sur-tn-lee][ˈsəːt(ə)nli] adv. 當然;必定
—— glory 名詞 ['glawr-ee, 'glohr-ee]['ɡlɔːri] n. 光榮;榮譽
—— expedition 名詞 [ek-spi-'dish-uh n][ˌekspə'dɪʃn] n. 遠征;探險隊


So Deborah arose and went with Barak to Kadesh.
—— arose 原型:arise 動詞過去式 [uh-'rahyz][ə'raɪz] v. 起來;起身

Barak called the Zebulunites and the Naphtalites together at Kadesh and ten thousand men followed him; and Deborah also went up with him.

Now Heber the Kenite had left the Kenites, the children of Jethro the father-in-law of Moses, and had pitched his tent as far away as the oak which is near Kadesh.
—— father-in-law 名詞 ['fah-th er-in-law]['fɑːðə(r) ɪn lɔː] n. 岳父;公公
—— pitched 原型:pitch 動詞過去分詞 [pich][pɪtʃ] v. 搭帳篷
—— tent 名詞 [tent][tent] n. 帳篷
—— oak 名詞 [ohk][əʊk] n. 橡樹;橡木
—— Kenite 基尼人
—— Moses 人名 ['moh-ziz, -zis]['məʊzɪz] n. 摩西

When it was reported to Sisera that Barak the son of Abinoam had gone up to Mount Tabor, Sisera gathered together all his chariots, nine hundred iron chariots, and all his people from the heathen city Harosheth to the brook Kishon.
—— gathered 原型:gather 動詞過去式 ['gath-er]['ɡæðə] v. 聚集;集合
—— heathen 形容詞 ['hee-th uh n]['hiːðn] adj. 異教徒的

Then Deborah said to Barak, "To the attack! for to-day Jehovah has delivered Sisera into your hands.
—— attack 名詞 [uh-'tak][ə'tæk] n. 攻擊;進攻

Has not Jehovah gone out before you?"

So Barak went down from Mount Tabor followed by ten thousand men; and at the attack of Barak's swordsmen Jehovah put to flight Sisera and his chariots and all his forces, and Sisera got down from his war-chariot and fled on foot.

—— on foot 步行;例句:I go to school usually on foot. 我上學通常是走路去。
—— put to flight 擊潰,打垮;例句:The enemy was put to flight by the advancing army. 部隊向前進,趕跑了敵人。
—— swordsmen 原型:swordsman 名詞 ['sawrdz-muh n, 'sohrdz-]['sɔːdzmən] n. 武士;軍人
—— forces 原型:force 名詞複數形式 [fawrs, fohrs][fɔːs] n. 武力;軍隊
—— fled 原型:flee 動詞過去式 [flee][fliː] v. 逃走;消失

But Barak pursued the chariots and the forces to Harosheth; and all the army of Sisera was destroyed by the sword; not a single man was left.
—— pursued 原型:pursue 動詞過去式 [per-'soo][pə'sjuː] v. 追趕
—— destroyed 原型:destroy 動詞過去分詞 [dih-'stroi][dɪ'strɔɪ] v. 破壞;殺死;消滅;摧毀
—— sword 名詞 [sawrd, sohrd][sɔːd] n. 劍;刀
—— single 形容詞 ['sing-guhl]['sɪŋg(ə)l] adj. 單一的;一個的

On that day Deborah and Barak, the son of Abinoam, sang this song:
—— sang 原型:sing 動詞過去式 [sing][sɪŋ] v. 唱

"O Jehovah, when thou wentest from Seir, Marching from the region of Edom, Earth trembled, the heavens swayed, The clouds also dripped water;
—— thou 代詞 [th ou][ðaʊ] pron. [古]你
—— wentest 原型:go 動詞過去式 [goh][gəʊ] v. 去;走 [古語]go 的過去式和過去分詞
—— region 名詞 ['ree-juhn]['riːdʒ(ə)n] n. 地區;範圍
—— trembled 原型:tremble 動詞過去式 ['trem-buhl]['trembl] v. 發抖;震顫
—— heavens 原型:heaven 名詞複數形式 ['hev-uh n]['hevn] n. 天空;天堂
—— swayed 原型:sway 動詞過去式 [swey][sweɪ] v. 搖動;搖擺
—— dripped 原型:drip 動詞過去式 [drip][drɪp] v. 滴下
—— Seir 地名 [sɪə(r)] n. 西珥

The hills quaked before Jehovah, Yon Sinai, before Israel's God.
—— quaked 動詞過去式 [kweyk][kweɪk] v. 震動;顫抖
—— Yon 形容詞 [yon][jɒn] adj. 在那一邊的,遠處的
—— Sinai ['sahy-nahy, 'sahy-nee-ahy]['saɪnaɪ] n. 西奈山(為上帝授與摩西十誡之處))

In the days of Anath's son, Shamgar, In Jael's days the roads were unused, And travellers walked through byways.

—— unused 形容詞 [uhn-'yoozd for 1, 2; uhn-'yoost for 3][ˌʌn'juːzd] adj. 未用過的
—— travellers 原型:traveller 名詞複數形式 ['trav-uh-ler, 'trav-ler]['trævələ] n. 旅行者
—— byways 原型:byway 名詞複數形式 ['bahy-wey]['baɪweɪ] n. 旁道;偏僻小路


Leaders disappeared in Israel, Until you, O Deborah, rose, Till you rose as a mother in Israel.
—— disappeared 原型:disappear 動詞過去式 [dis-uh-'peer][ˌdɪsə'pɪə] v. 消失;不見;失蹤

My heart is with the commanders of Israel, Who volunteered among the people.
—— commanders 原型:commander 名詞複數形式 [kuh-'man-der, -'mahn-][kə'mɑːndə] n. 指揮官
—— volunteered 原型:volunteer 動詞過去式 [vol-uh n-'teer][ˌvɒlən'tɪə] v. (自願)做

Bless Jehovah!
—— Bless 原型:bless 動詞 [bles][bles] v. 保佑;祝福;賜福

You who ride on tawny asses, Who sit upon rich saddle-cloths;
—— tawny 形容詞 ['taw-nee]['tɔːni] adj. 黃褐色的;茶色的
—— asses 原型:ass 名詞複數形式 [as][æs] n. 驢
—— saddle 名詞 ['sad-l]['sæd(ə)l] n. 鞍;鞍狀物

You who walk by the way, tell of it.

Far from sounds of dividing the spoil, In the places where water is drawn, Let them tell of Jehovah's righteous acts, And the righteous deeds of his leaders!
—— dividing 原型:divide 動詞動名詞形式 [dih-'vahyd][dɪ'vaɪd] v. 劃分;隔開;分割
—— spoil 名詞 [spoil][spɔɪl] n. 戰利品;獎品
—— righteous 形容詞 ['rahy-chuhs]['raɪtʃəs] adj. 公正的;公義的
—— deeds 原型:deed 名詞複數形式 [deed][diːd] n. 行為;事蹟


Then the people of Jehovah Went down to the gates, crying: 'Awake, awake, O Deborah, Awake, awake, sing a battle-song!
—— gates 原型:gate 名詞複數形式 [geyt][ɡeɪt] n. 大門
—— crying 原型:cry 動詞動名詞形式 [krahy][kraɪ] v. 哭;(大聲)叫喊
—— awake 動詞 [uh-'weyk][ə'weɪk] v. 喚起;喚醒;醒來

Rise up, rise up, O Barak, Take your captives, O son of Abinoam!'
—— rise up 上升,起來;例句:Older people incline to rise up early. 老年人常常起得早。
—— captives 原型:captive 名詞複數形式 ['kap-tiv]['kæptɪv] n. 俘虜

So they went down against the powerful, The Lord's people against the mighty.
—— mighty 形容詞 ['mahy-tee]['maɪti] adj. 強大的;巨大的
—— Lord [lawrd][lɔːd] n. 上帝;主

From Machir, commanders went down, From Zebulun, standard-bearers, Issachar's princes with Deborah, And with Barak, the men of Naphtali;
—— standard-bearers 原型:standard-bearer 名詞複數形式 ['stan-derd-bair-er]['stændəd,bεərə] n. 舉著旗走在行列前面的人;領導人
—— princes 原型:prince 名詞複數形式 [prins][prɪns] n. 王子

Into the valley they streamed after him.
—— valley 名詞 ['val-ee]['væli] n. 山谷;溪谷

Zebulun risked its life, Naphtali on the heights of the field.
—— risked 原型:risk 動詞過去式 [risk][rɪsk] v. 冒險
—— heights 原型:height 名詞複數形式 [hahyt][haɪt] n. 高地;高處

Rulers came, they fought, The rulers of Canaan fought At Taanach by the waters of Megiddo.

—— fought 原型:fight 動詞過去式 [fahyt][faɪt] v. 打架;對抗
—— rulers 原型:ruler 名詞複數形式 ['roo-ler]['ruːlə] n. 統治者;支配者
—— Canaan ['key-nuh n][聖經]迦南(上帝應允給亞伯拉罕的地方)

They took no booty of silver, For from heaven the very stars fought, From their courses they fought against Sisera.
—— booty 名詞 ['boo-tee]['buːti] n. 戰利品

The brook Kishon swept them away, That ancient brook, the brook Kishon.
—— swept 原型:sweep 動詞過去式 [sweep][swiːp] v. 掠過;席捲
—— ancient 形容詞 ['eyn-shuhnt]['eɪnʃənt] adj. 古老的;古代的

O my soul, march on with strength!

—— soul 名詞 [sohl][səʊl] n. 靈魂;心靈;精神
—— strength 名詞 [strengkth, strength, strenth][streŋθ] n. 力量;力氣

Then did their horse hoofs pound With the gallop, gallop of steeds.
—— hoofs 原型:hoof 名詞複數形式 [hoo f, hoof][huːf] n. 蹄
—— pound 動詞 [pound][paʊnd] v. 敲打;重擊
—— gallop 名詞 ['gal-uhp]['ɡæləp] n. 疾馳;飛奔
—— steeds 原型:steed 名詞複數形式 [steed][stiːd] n. 戰馬

Blessed above women shall Jael be, That wife of Heber, the Kenite, More blessed than all nomad women!
—— nomad 形容詞 ['noh-mad]['nəʊmæd] adj. 遊牧的

Water he asked, milk she gave, Curdled milk she brought him In a bowl well fitted for lords!
—— fitted for 原型:fit for 適合;例句:Neither you nor I am fit for the work. 你和我都不適合這份工作。

—— Curdled 原型:curdle 動詞過去分詞 ['kur-dl]['kɜːd(ə)l] v. 凝固;凝結
—— bowl 名詞 [bohl][bəʊl] n. 碗

She put her hand to the tent-pin, Her right hand to the workman's hammer.
—— pin 名詞 [pin][pɪn] n. 別針;針;大頭針
—— workman 名詞 ['wurk-muh n]['wɜːkmən] n. 工人;工匠;技工
—— hammer 名詞 ['ham-er]['hæmə] n. 錘;榔頭

She struck Sisera, crushing his head, She shattered, she pierced his temples.
—— struck 原型:strike 動詞過去式 [strahyk][straɪk] v. 打;撞
—— crushing 原型:crush 動詞動名詞形式 [kruhsh]['krʌʃɪŋ] v. 壓碎
—— shattered 原型:shatter 動詞過去式 ['shat-er]['ʃætə] v. 粉碎;毀壞
—— pierced 原型:pierce 動詞過去式 [peers][pɪəs] v. 刺穿;穿透
—— temples 原型:temple 名詞複數形式 ['tem-puh l]['templ] n. 太陽穴

At her feet he sank down and lay still, At her feet he sank, he fell;

—— sank 原型:sink 動詞過去式 [singk][sɪŋk] v. 下沉;變低
—— lay 原型:lie 動詞過去式 [lahy][laɪ] v. 躺下


There he fell, a slain!

—— victim 名詞 ['vik-tim]['vɪktɪm] n. 受害者;犧牲者
—— slain 原型:slay 動詞過去分詞 [sley][sleɪ] v. 殺害;殘殺

Through the window she peered and cried, Through the lattice, the mother of Sisera: 'Why so long his chariot in coming?
—— peered 原型:peer 動詞過去式 [peer][pɪə] v. 凝視;窺視
—— lattice 名詞 ['lat-is]['lætɪs] n. 格子;格架

Why tarry the hoof-beats of steeds?' Then the wisest of her ladies replied, She herself also answered her question, 'Are they not dividing the spoil?
—— tarry 動詞 ['tar-ee]['tæri] v. 耽擱;逗留
—— spoil 名詞 [spoil][spɒɪl] n. 戰利品;獎品

A woman or two for each warrior, For Sisera a spoil of dyed stuffs, A spoil of dyed stuffs embroidered, Some pieces of lace for his neck?'

—— warrior 名詞 ['wawr-ee-er, 'wawr-yer, 'wor-ee-er, 'wor-yer]['wɒriə] n. 勇士;戰士;武士
—— dyed 原型:dye 動詞過去分詞 [dahy][daɪ] v. 染;染色
—— stuffs 原型:stuff 名詞複數形式 [stuhf][stʌf] n. 東西;原料
—— embroidered 原型:embroider 動詞過去分詞 [em-'broi-der][ɪm'brɔɪdə] v. 刺繡;鑲邊;裝飾
—— lace 名詞 [leys][leɪs] n. 飾帶;花邊
—— neck 名詞 [nek][nek] n. 頸;脖子

So perish thy foes, O Jehovah!
【譯】所以消滅你的敵人,哦 Jehovah!
—— perish 動詞 ['per-ish]['perɪʃ] vi. 毀滅;消失
—— thy 形容詞 [th ahy][ðaɪ] adj. 你的
—— foes 原型:foe 名詞複數形式 [foh][fəʊ] n. 敵人;仇敵

But may those who love him be as the sun, Rising up in invincible splendor!"
—— invincible 形容詞 [in-'vin-suh-buhl][ɪn'vɪnsəbl] adj. 不可征服的;不能戰勝的
—— splendor 名詞 ['splen-der]['splendə] n. 光輝;壯麗;顯赫;輝煌


