

Confirmed cases 7741,Death toll 170


There are now at least 162 dead from Wuhan coronavirus in China's Hubei province -- the epicenter of the outbreak -- and a total of 4,586 confirmed casesin the province by 12 o’clock, 30 January, according to Hubei's provincial health authority.



The case count for the province has gone upby 1,032, and death toll has gone up by 37 from 28 January.


This brings the number of cases for mainland Chinato 7,741 and the death toll for mainland China to 170.



How Wuhan coronavirus compares to SARS


More than 7,800 people worldwide have been infected globally since the first confirmed case of the Wuhan coronavirus in December.



By comparison, there were 8,098 confirmed cases of SARS between November 2002 to July 2003.


To put this into context: It has taken less than two months to get infect around the number infected by SARS over a nine month period. (Data comparison: coronavirus -- 7819 cases, SARS -- 8098 cases.)



上圖左側的數據已更新為:確診7741例,死亡170例,死亡率2.2%(數據截止:2020年01月30日 12點)

Experts have previously estimated the Wuhan virus figures could still be vastly under-reported, making the novel coronavirusfar more contagious, but also less deadly, than SARS so far.


Currently, the case fatality rate for Wuhan virus is 2.1% — smaller than SARS' 9.6% mortality rate.

目前,武漢病毒的病死率為2.1%,小於SARS(非典) 9.6%的死亡率。

It's also smaller than Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) — another type of coronavirus — which has a case fatality rate of 35%.


The Wuhan coronavirus outbreak is still ongoing, so both the number of reported cases and the number of deaths could increase.


How the Wuhan coronavirus affects the body




Death toll 死亡人數,傷亡人數

toll 傷亡人數,死亡人數;過路費

epicenter 震中,中心 epic史詩+center中心—>故事的中心—>震中,中心

confirmed cases 確診病例

confirm 確認,證實 在這裡使用的是被動語態,表示“被”確定

Hubei's provincial health authority 湖北省衛生廳

health authority 衛生當局

authority 權威,權利,當局,當權者

count 總數,計數,數數

gone up 增加,上升 go走+up(向)上—>向上走—>增加,上升

previous day 前一天

previous 之前的,先前的 pre前綴,表示“前,先”+vi(a)路+ous形容詞後綴—>先前走過的路,引申為過去已經發生的—>之前的

mainland China 中國大陸

globally 全球地

By comparison 相比之下

period 時期

estimated 估計

novel coronavirus 新型冠狀病毒

novel 新奇的,新穎的;小說

far more contagious 傳染性強的多

far more 多得多,強得多

contagious 有傳染性的

case fatality rate 病死率

Middle East respiratory syndrome 中東呼吸綜合症

ongoing 繼續

reported cases 報告病例

increase 增加 in裡面+cre創造(參見:create)—>在裡面不停創造出新的東西—>增加

common symptoms 常見症狀

headache and malaise 頭痛和不適

malaise 不舒服,不適

runny nose 流鼻涕

cough or sore throat 咳嗽或喉嚨痛

muscle pain 肌肉痛

potential complications 潛在併發症

pneumonia 肺炎; 急性肺炎

sepsis or even death 敗血症甚至死亡

