
Very tired, very beautiful, very nice,有時候我們用very這個詞過於頻繁,而使我的們表達顯得蒼白無力. 在書寫一篇essay時,如果用了過多的簡單詞“very”不僅會佔用你的字數(因為大部分essay要求限制在500字以內),還會讓你的文章顯的不那麼professsional. 今天我們來講講如何擺脫”very”這個簡單詞,提高自己的speech level.

E.g. I am wearing a lot of layers today because it is very cold outside.

Better: I am wearing a lot of layers today because it is freezing outside.

如果用freezing代替very cold就會使我們的表達更賦予有感情色彩。


1. Very good

Replaced with e.g: great, splendid, terrific, lit, excellent, wonderful, brilliant.

2. Very cute

Replaced with e.g: adorable, admirable, lovely.

3. Very cold

Replaced with e.g: freezing, chilly, frosty, as cold as ice.

4. Very tird

Replaced with e.g: exhausted, sleepy,distressed

5. Very clean

Replaced with e.g: spotless

6. Very

Replaced with e.g: extremely, highly, awfully, super, terribly, unusually.


